Search results

  1. Elysium

    AncestryDNA Ancestry DNA Update

    My results were updated a couple of months ago and now finally my parents' results were updated! :satisfied: Mine: Sweden 61% Norway 34% England, Wales & Northwestern Europe 3% Finland 2% Dad: Sweden 57% Norway 37% Finland 6% Mom: Sweden 75% Norway 23% England,Wales &...
  2. Elysium

    K36 Post your "genetically predicted place of origin" (based on Eurogenes K36 results)

    Population Fennoscandian - 26.67 North_Sea - 18.50 North_Atlantic - 14.72 Iberian 13.90 East_Central_Euro 7.70 Central_Euro 7.06 Eastern_Euro 3.65 French 4.68 Basque 1.16 Italian 0.97 East_Balkan 0.68 South_Central_Asian 0.23 Volga-Ural 0.07 Well, at least it...