Politics Slovenia's President, Dr. Janez Drnovsek, speaks about vegetarianism

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Janez Drnovsek, the current president of Slovenia, is a vocal champion of vegetarianism. In fact, he is a dedicated vegan. In an interview last year he gave to The Society for the Rights and the Liberation of Animals to coincide with the World Protection of Animasls Day (Oct 4) he simply but eloquaintly touches on EU subsidies of the meat industry, impact of religion on animals, his fight with cancer, low awareness of the populace on the cruelty animals have at the hands of man, etc...

As stated in the interview, few national leaders have ever spoken on vegetarianism and animal rights. He knows he is in a position to bring the issue up for more discussion and that is what half the battle is: getting people aware of the issues of animal exploitation and the suffering it involves.

Excerpt on EU subsidies:

Interviewer: You spoke against subsidising mass livestock farming in the media. What was your reason for this?

Drnovsek: I believe it is foolish, that European Union?fs main priority is one hundred percent subsidy of farming especially meat products. The fact that EU subsidises mass production of meat and poultry is really the main obstacle from the ethics point of view.​

The whole interview, perhaps 2 mins of reading is quite interesting. He comes across very soft spoken and focused. If you would like to read it go to this link HERE and then click on the title: Interview: President of Slovenia on Being Vegetarian and Supporting Animal Rights

I will add further excerpts from it to this thread later.
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This man is looney. He gathered up all his bodyguard staff and measured their energy if it was positive or negative with some kind of water detectin sticks and if he received a negative energy in his view he fired them. In slovenia he is known for his rather crazy reputation
This man is looney. He gathered up all his bodyguard staff and measured their energy if it was positive or negative with some kind of water detectin sticks and if he received a negative energy in his view he fired them. In slovenia he is known for his rather crazy reputation

lol(if true). But, is it any worse than praying to an invisible entity which one believes to exist for answers?

Duo, would you by chance have some sources to site the "bodyguard firing" incident with "energy measuring sticks"? or are these just impressions and rumors, or reportings in tabloids never having been substantiated?

I am wondering if he is more "loony" than Bush? or the Hitlers, Tojos, and other delusional leaders in the past and present? Has his "looniness" sparked, or resulted in the deaths, maiming, poverty, and homelessness of hundreds of thousands to millions of people? If not, I`d prefer to have a leader with a few silly personality traits than one with traits that result in those heinous things that bring downright misery to large populations.

Remember, around a billion people believe a virgin was impregnated, this resulting son turned wine into water, walked on water, was crucified and killed, rose from the dead, appeared to his followers a few weeks later and partook food with them, promised he`d be back soon, and now 2000 years later they still believe he is coming soon. Wow! Loony!

Anyone who`d believe in that story and the prequal(Judaism) and another of its morphed cousin (Islam), seem much more loony, or at least the same amount of "looniness" to me. However, are all the leaders who believe in those loony things, from village level to national level dismissed for their looniness? If you have dismissed Mr. Drnovsek because of his rumored quirks (looking forward to seeing your sources), then I guess you have also dismissed all other religious believing leaders and their followers--meaning a large portion of the world and perhaps many of the reporters and writers who put out news and information in the world for us to know what is going on. If all are "loony," then how do you know what to believe or guide your beliefs on?

How about "loony" people judging others to be "loony"? Are those opinions to be taken seriously? Well, in Slovenia with people believing "loony" stories there are amongst the population who are affiliated with religions or their belief systems:

Roman Catholic: 57.8%
Muslim: 2.4%
Protestant: 0.9%

Source: Wikipedia

Since that makes up more than 60% of the population and who hold "loony" beliefs as true, I guess you were referring to those people who hold that view on Mr. Drnovsek, or perhaps you will have diffferent statistics to support that the majority of "non-loony" people view him as "loony"?

Did you read the interview?
Well, I'm not saying that his views on this particular issue are any less respectable, however, i was just pointing out that this is a man considered not to be so quite altogether. My sources? A couple of my slovenian friends told me about it
Well, I'm not saying that his views on this particular issue are any less respectable, however, i was just pointing out that this is a man considered not to be so quite altogether.

Like I said, so many of us have our personality quirks, but to bring them up in discussion when another issue is being discussed, is what is called an "ad hominem attack." It is irrelevant to the issue, so why bring it up -- if not to smear the character so that the issue the character is talking about is also smeared by association. It is the lowest form of debate/discussion.

My sources? A couple of my slovenian friends told me about it

Well then, that is far from substantiating it, isn`t it?

btw, I had added some info in the post above you replied to by editing it. The post is about a paragraph larger than the original.

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