a sample of ~600 shows that 71% of Saudi Arabians carry J1-M267 (J-P58 mutation)

You really know zilch about genetics dude. Please, take a seat and think about all the precious time you wasted. Go get a DNA test. I will laugh if you get J1. Using your stunted logic, you may just commit suicide at the idea. Kelmendasi knows a world more about genetics than you. Its like a high school dropout arguing with a college grad on the importance of education.

Chances of me being J1 are almost impossible since my grandad was blonde

If I was J1 though I definitely wouldn't spread it in albania, I'd have a british or american wife instead since there are a lot more of them left whereas albanian population has been endangered for a very long time

Now stop going off topic and tell me which sub clades the arabs spread into the middle East from 650, since I know zilch about genetics and you know a lot more
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it's more common among Tribal Arabians areas (reaches 90+%) , and less in the coast areas and holy lands in western Arabia because of Hajj (pilgrimage) and people coming from all over the world and some of them stay and don't go back home
here's a picture of an old man his grand Son is carrying the J1-M267 > J-P58 > J-l858 > FGC1696 > FGC1713 Sheikh of "Mutair" tribe

here's the study's paper in English for those interested in reading it
Chances of me being J1 are almost impossible since my grandad was blonde
This sums up your level of intelligence and understanding pretty well....
Chances of me being J1 are almost impossible since my grandad was blonde

If I was J1 though I definitely wouldn't spread it in albania, I'd have a british or american wife instead

Now stop going off topic and tell me which sub clades the arabs spread into the middle East from 650 since I know zilch about genetics and you know a lot more

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” ~Billy Madison.

jokes aside, you just proved you are absolutely clueless. Get a DNA test I dare you.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” ~Billy Madison.

jokes aside, you just proved you are absolutely clueless. Get a DNA test I dare you.

I'm not a big fan of needles or hospitals so I usually avoid blood tests but I'll get it before I have kids or something like that
I'm not a big fan of needles or hospitals so I usually avoid blood tests but I'll get it before I have kids or something like that
You're joking aren't you....

DNA tests don't involve needles or hospitals lol, you either spit in a tube or swab the inside of your cheek. Anyways, I don't think you'll ever test, you're too insecure.
You're joking aren't you....

DNA tests don't involve needles or hospitals lol, you either spit in a tube or swab the inside of your cheek. Anyways, I don't think you'll ever test, you're too insecure.

Like I said before I think about having kids. Besides, I don't have any spare cash lying around so unless I rob a bank or start cooking meth the test ain't happening anytime soon
Like I said before I think about having kids. Besides, I don't have any spare cash lying around so unless I rob a bank or start cooking meth the test ain't happening anytime soon

You must really be poor if you would have to cook meth to afford a 50-80 dollar Y-DNA test. Stop t-rolling and bugger off.
You're joking aren't you....

DNA tests don't involve needles or hospitals lol, you either spit in a tube or swab the inside of your cheek. Anyways, I don't think you'll ever test, you're too insecure.

kelmendasi i was also confused about these sub-clades .

I am from north east Morocco's J-L222.2 hilali haplogroup but that doesnt ultimately mean am from yemen or saudi arabia right ?

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