
  1. B

    National Socialist SS RuSHA Race Classification

    I'm trying to fully recreate the way how the NS classified race (purely for educational purpose). In the case of Europeans(Aryans), they looked for 2 things: 1. No non-Aryan genetics (Jew, Asian, Mongoloid, Oriental, Black, Indian, etc.) 2. As many 'Nordic ideal' components (blonde...
  2. LeBrok

    Iranic words in European languages.

    Which European language is closest in relation to Iranic language? Perhaps this can help us to find missing tribes of Sarmatians and Scythians among modern populations.
  3. LeBrok

    Corded Ware / Iranic-Aryan split of IE?

    Thanks to this paper: and nice R1a maps: Can we see Z282 as Corded Ware culture and Z93 as Indo-Iranian? It could indicate Kazakhstan as Center of Iranic tribes before expansion to the South? South to Iran, Afghanistan...