
  1. Jovialis

    The Builders of Stonehenge

    Despite over a century of intense study, we still know very little about the people buried at Stonehenge or how they came to be there. Now, a new University of Oxford research collaboration, published in Scientific Reports suggests that a number of the people that were buried at the Wessex site...
  2. Jovialis

    Famed British Geologist Was Spectacularly Wrong About Stonehenge

    In 1923, famed British geologist Herbert Henry Thomas published a seminal study on Stonehenge, claiming to have found the precise spots where prehistoric people had quarried the stones. There was just one problem with his analysis: It was wrong. And it has taken geologists about 80 years to get...
  3. Maciamo

    Facial reconstruction of 5,500-year old 'Stonehenge man' may be wrong

    Stonehenge, Europe's most famous Megalithic monument, has been endowed with a brand new visitor centre at the cost of £27 million, due to be inaugurated today. One of the prime attractions is the facial reconstruction of a 5,500-year old 'Stonehenge man' (pictured below). The reconstruction is...