
  1. Jovialis

    Natufian Dog Domestication, and potential new hunting methods

    Close companions: Early evidence for dogs in northeast Jordan and the potential impact of new hunting methods Abstract Current evidence suggests domestications of the dog were incipient developments in many areas of the world. In southwest Asia this process took place in the Late...
  2. Jovialis

    Animals Dogs understand what's written all over your face

    Dogs are capable of understanding the emotions behind an expression on a human face. For example, if a dog turns its head to the left, it could be picking up that someone is angry, fearful or happy. If there is a look of surprise on a person's face, dogs tend to turn their head to the right. The...
  3. Jovialis

    Emotional bond between humans and dogs dates back 14,000 years

    Abstract The Bonn-Oberkassel dog remains (Upper Pleistocene and 14223 +- 58 years old) have been reported more than 100 years ago. Recent re-examination revealed the tooth of another older and smaller dog, making this domestic dog burial not only the oldest known, but also the only one with...
  4. K

    p raw value vs. p genome value?

    So I'm reading a scientific article about dog genetics and it gives me 2 p-values for a value that is statistically significant. One is a nominal p-value (praw) and the other is a p-value corrected by permutation testing (pgenome). Could someone please tell me the difference between these two...
  5. LeBrok

    Dogs domesticated over 20 thousands years ago in Europe.

    New DNA study of wolfs and dogs concluded that dogs were domesticated between 19 and 32 thousands years ago and most likely in Europe. It turned that dog was a best friend of a hunter first, not a farmer...