homo erectus

  1. Jovialis

    New Thoughts on Africa’s Megafauna Extinctions

    SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—According to a Cosmos Magazine report, environmental changes are more likely to have wiped out Africa’s megafauna than is hunting by Homo erectus, which emerged some 1.9 million years ago and has previously been blamed for causing the extinctions. Paleoecologist Tyler Faith...
  2. Maciamo

    Homo erectus may have survived in China as late as 14,000 years ago

    In the news today, a partial femur found in the Red Deer Cave in China might show that a archaic species of human may have overlapped with modern humans until the end of the ice age. Since 2001 I have supported the theory that the main racial divisions among humans (Caucasoids, Negroids...