
  1. Jovialis

    "Cro-Magnon 1" Reconstruction

    This looks incorrect, because the pigmentation is wrong. Wouldn't he have been part of the Gravettian Expansion?
  2. Jovialis

    Mesolithic Greece: Face of 9,000-Year-Old Teenager Reconstructed

    Mesolithic Teenager 7000 BC Child Greek girl from 5th century BC Athens. If these are accurate depictions, than I certainly agree with the reconstruction artist, that hard features disappeared overtime, in favor of smoother ones.
  3. LeBrok

    Cephalic index of ancient populations and reconstructions

    The cephalic index or cranial index is the ratio of the maximum width of the head of an organism (human or animal) multiplied by 100 divided by its maximum length (i.e., in the horizontal plane, or front to back). The index is also used to categorize animals, especially dogs and cats.