
  1. Maciamo

    Religion Iranian women could face death penalty for defying new morality laws

    This is horrifying. 😧 Iranian women could face death penalty for defying new morality laws "Women in Iran could face the death sentence or up to 15 years in prison if they defy new compulsory morality laws due to come into effect this week. New laws promoting the “culture of chastity and...
  2. Maciamo

    Crime Only half of murders are solved in the US - against 80 to 95% in other Western countries

    I was wondering how various countries compared in their murder clearance rates, so I had to look at the data and found something rather concerning. In the US the percentage of homicides that have been solved has been steadily declining since the 1960s. This graph shows that it declined from 91%...
  3. Maciamo

    Debate Should courts be able to get users’ true identity from social media platforms?

    The internet is super great place to discuss with people from all over the world but the drawback can be that people are able to attack, threaten, harass or bully other users anonymously in all impunity. Worse, it can lead to actual physical crimes in real life. A Spanish judge has called for...
  4. Maciamo

    Crime German and American prisons are a world apart

    Another very high quality video by Ashton. The difference in system is mind-blowing.
  5. Maciamo

    Crime What percentage of each country's population has a criminal record?

    It's one thing to compare crime rates between countries. But wouldn't it be interesting to know what percentage of the population is responsible for those crimes? Are a lot of people likely to commit misdemeanours and felonies (to use the American terms). Or is it the same small percentage of...
  6. Maciamo

    Crime index from 250 European cities (Numbeo)

    Numbeo is a well-known website to compare stats on quality of life, cost of living, property prices, and also the feeling of safety or insecurity of respondents all over the world. You'll find a list of the main European cities by crime index here. I was not satisfied with only 150 cities, so I...
  7. Maciamo

    Crime Crime maps of Europe

    I have made a series of map using the data from Numbeo as of late 2022. The maps do not show the actual crime rate, but the fear of crimes being committed. So this reflects the sense of insecurity of the population, which is as important as the actual crime rates. The advantage of Numbeo is...
  8. Maciamo

    Crime New map of gun homicide rates by country

    Gun control is a major issue in the United States and for a good reason as the USA has the highest firearm-related homicide rate in the developed world at 4.46 per 100,000 in 2017 and increasing (2017 had more gun homicides than anytime since 1993 according to No country in...
  9. Jovialis

    Thousands of Ancient Greek & Egyptian Artifacts Recovered from Smuggling Operations

    Thousands of Ancient Greek & Egyptian Artifacts Recovered from Smuggling Operations It truly upsets me to see such priceless artifacts stolen, and probably irreparably damaged in the process of smuggling. I would prosecute the smugglers to the fullest extent of the law.
  10. Wheal

    Will DNA prove bones are missing girl?

    The U.S. was held spellbound by the missing teenager in Aruba. Now, bones have been found and claimed to be from the missing girl did not reveal anything until mtDNA proved they were from a person of European descent. What will comparison with her mother prove...