Estimate the similarities between your DNA and New World Averages(better for mixed people from now, next soon I will realize a Caucasian avg map).
Results from a friend of mine from Curitiba, Brasil
Hello brothers and sisters. I am looking to recreate the Gedrosia K3 from GEDmatch using G25 and I ask for your help. I would like to ask, does anyone know the exact samples (confirmed) being used for the source/reference population for Gedrosia K3 on Gedmatch for the West Eurasian, East...
Hello, can anyone tell me how to get simulated coordinates in g25 from various other coordinates by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and other mathematical operations? Is there a special calculator for this or is everything done manually?
If you have G25 coordinates, you can use this program to generate your European heatmap.
Here is one generated using a Romanian's coordinates:
Thanks to Jerome Hamon for inspiring me to write this program after seeing their Taux de Similitude.
And just for France, here is another one...
I am looking for any regional (e.g. county-level) G25 coordinates (scaled) for any country in the British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, or Northern Ireland).
I'm using it to update an automatic heatmap painter I'm developing, and will PM a link to anyone who helps me out.
All I...
I got my g25 coordinates from Illustrative DNA some time ago. Recently I played around a bit with Genoplot and realized that simulated g25 coordinates that Genoplot gives you differ quite a bit from those I received from Illustrative DNA, although in theory they should match or be very...
New Tool for 3D display of G25 based PCA posted on Eurogenes by Davidski.
Eurogenes blog:
The online tool:
I will shortly post my results.
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