
  1. Maciamo

    Medieval European inventions that improved productivity

    The Middle Ages are often described as a Dark Age between the advanced ancient civilisations like the Romans and the Greeks and the European Renaissance. Yet few people seem to realise that technology continued to progress about as fast as during Roman times throughout the Middle Ages. In fact...
  2. LeBrok

    Civilization is a function of population density.

    I was contemplating a reason behind why hunter-gatherer societies never amounted to civilization status. it never happened although their cultures existed for few hundred thousand years. Civilization was the feat which was quickly achieved by agriculturalists within few thousands of years of...
  3. edao

    Obscure Inventions and Discoveries

    I'm always facinated at how productive the European mind is when it comes to innovation and discovery, it would be interesting to post more obscure ones. ------------------------------------------------- John Napier - Logarithms The method of logarithms was first publicly propounded in 1614...