
  1. Maciamo

    Evolution of genetic admixtures by region

    The work on the K12b admixture by historical culture gave me the idea to show the evolution of genetic admixtures over time by region. I have started with the Near East and East Mediterranean.
  2. Maciamo

    K12b Eupedia Ancient Ethnicities Checker: reliably compare your DNA to ancient populations

    I have spent most of the last week calculating the the average values for the K12b admixtures for most of the ancient genomes tested to date. I thank Jovialis for providing me the genomes converted in the right format to run the K12b on Admixture-Studio. You will find the table in the page...
  3. Maciamo

    K12b Genome-wide genetic analysis of ancient Britons through the ages

    After Gaul, Italy, Iberia and Germanic tribes, here are the Dodecad K12b ancient British people from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age. I have calculated the average values (modal) for each period. I then compared these modals to modern populations using Vahaduo.
  4. Maciamo

    K12b Genome-wide genetic analysis of Iberians from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages

    I have written a Genetic analysis of Ancient Iberia, in which I ran the Dodecad K12b admixtures for most of the good quality samples from the Neolithic to the Early Middle Ages and computed average values (a modal) by era. I then compared these modals to modern populations using Vahaduo.