
  1. Giver

    my STRs closer match to M153 than its upstreams, except one?

    I'm DF27+, and I've taken Geno 2.0 and am waiting for results. But in the meantime, in my impatience, I got curious and started comparing my 67 STRs with the subclade modals (at the FTDNA R1b-DF27 project page). I noticed a weird thing that I don't understand. My strongest...
  2. Maciamo

    New map of R1b-DF27 (SRY2627 + M153)

    I had been postponing the creation of this map until more data was available, especially for France and Central Europe. But as this could take years, I've decided to make the map anyway and update it later once new studies will be published. So please take it with a pinch of salt. The map is...