Eurovision Song Contest

miu said:
I think it's pretty evident by just looking at the songs presented by Finland that we don't take it very seriously. Or that we just can't make any proper songs :p Finlande: zero point! :wave:
There are a couple of rules that almost always apply:
- the good song never wins
- the winner must have either an outrageous costume or several (changed in an outrageous manner and preferably accompanied by fireworks or something similar)
- the winning song must have a stupid hook that will stick on your mind for days
I have agreed to watch it the next time with my friend so that we'll save money from the "man, that REALLY sucks!" phone calls :blush:

Finland won! :D
Eurovision sucks this year!
Just look who won! That's awful song, awful voice and awful dance
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i liked the song from begium this year :)
i liked the song from begium this year :)

Eurovision song contest 1990 - Philippe Lafontaine (Belgium) - Macédomienne (My Macedonian woman)


My Macedonian woman

When she cries, it's the whole Adriatic
Who breaks out in her eyes
When she sleeps, it's not far from Ohrid
She dreams on the edge of the beautiful blue lakes
I see her again, a little girl on bare feet
With rain in her hair
In her house, on the earthen floor
She has left the illusions of all her games

Which she wants to keep to herself
She has the charm of Macedonian women
It's vital that I love her, that I hold her
Whatever you may do or think
But she is more beautiful
Those who don't believe me, let them come
They will see how much I have and that she is mine
You can shout, you can cry, you can laugh
But certainly not at her

When she sleeps, it's at the bottom of the hill
That she does with my body what she wants to
She's a sunflower that emigrated into the vines
In the middle of the arid and making flames of any fire
A gipsy(rom) cry hidden in her murmurs
She lives love without denial
When she fights from the top of her wounds
She pretends everything
She mocks the gods

Too many desire her
She has the charm of Macedonian women
It's vital that I love her, that I hold her
Whatever you may do or think
But she is more beautiful
Those who don't believe me let them come
They will see how much I have and that she is mine
You can shout, you can cry, you can laugh
But certainly not at her.
Let's just call it Eurovision Trash Contest.

I don't take it serious, for years and years already.

In The Netherlands there is a lot of music talent, but "democracy" decides what artists go to the Contest.
And that's why it's always a lot of nothing. No quality.
Talented artists don't necessarily have to be the darlings of the majority of the public.

It's like cooking Chili con carne. It should have lots beef in it, and be hot and spicy.
And only a little bit of beans.
Look what supermarkets sell... What the public asks for.
It isn't hot nor spicy, it has a lot of beans (cheap).
And they even suggest you to add chicken meat!!!! :vomitting:
Are you seriously telling me no one actually watched the show?

Best 'Euro Pop' song of the night was.....Sweden!

As with most things the Scandinavians seem to be very good at this kind of thing, Finland and Norway recent winners.

I have to say on a negative note I thought the show on a whole was a clear illustration of the effect of Americanisation on Europe. The standards each contestants are trying to emmulate are those set by the American pop industry. There were far fewer Euro dance anthem or the more crazy entries that you would have seen in the past. The winning song was so anglo-american in sound it could easily be played on radio here without anyone batting an eyelid as to its origin. Whether this cultural realignment is a good or bad thing I don't know.

Winner very 'anglo-american'

I was glad to see Moldova keeping the spirit of Eurovision alive :LOL:

Only in Europe!
Are you seriously telling me no one actually watched the show?

Best 'Euro Pop' song of the night was.....Sweden!

As with most things the Scandinavians seem to be very good at this kind of thing, Finland and Norway recent winners.

I have to say on a negative note I thought the show on a whole was a clear illustration of the effect of Americanisation on Europe. The standards each contestants are trying to emmulate are those set by the American pop industry. There were far fewer Euro dance anthem or the more crazy entries that you would have seen in the past. The winning song was so anglo-american in sound it could easily be played on radio here without anyone batting an eyelid as to its origin. Whether this cultural realignment is a good or bad thing I don't know.

Winner very 'anglo-american'

I was glad to see Moldova keeping the spirit of Eurovision alive :LOL:

Only in Europe!

Add to this that the composer of the Azerbaijani song was a Swede :LOL:
But you are right, nowadays it is hardly distinguishable from the MTV-Awards. The winner's song sounded like a mixture out of Rihanna and Coldplay. The Moldovan artists always reminded me a little of the early Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Can someone tell me why is Azerbaijan and Israel in Eurovision?
It is true that the Eurovision Song Contest has gone beyond the simple television phenomenon, the fact that Israel and other non-European countries to compete in Eurovision should be based on relations between the European television stations with those of other non European countries, and that in turn cause surprised that transcends the merely Eurovision TV is like the snake biting its tail, what was before the chicken or the egg?

By the way here in Spain for years has been rumored to be TVE not want to win the Eurovision Song Contest, is the inference we draw from recent issues TVE being sent to the festival, yesterday was the poor girl Galician third from bottom, no surprise with a topic as stupid as that represented us.
Can someone tell me why is Azerbaijan and Israel in Eurovision?

Because this show is hosted by EBU, the European Broadcasting Union. Here you can see the members of the the union:

Theoretically, also North African countries like Libya or Egypt could participate.
In the 1950s, as a war-torn Europe rebuilt itself, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)—based in Switzerland—set up an ad-hoc committee to search for ways of bringing together the countries of the EBU around a "light entertainment programme".

Membership of the EBU goes beyond that of Europe as you can see on this map.

The contest is meant to be a bit of fun bringing people together, I wouldn't get too caught up in the title, it's kind of missing the point.
Like some exotic country participating in Eurovision, winning Isrrael with abanibí a boebé, means : te quiero amor, was a success, it is interesting and gives a touch of color and unity among peoples, for that reason be great if our youth could hear the different languages and not a singing festival in its 99% in English subject that standardizes and impoverishes the festival. We have a national language Spanish and internationally, and our children are all South Americans looking on with eyes wide open and we can not sing in English, would be disappointing for our children and ourselves.
I think it's so funny how seriously some countries take the competition, considering it's where good music goes to die. I switched it off after 3 songs this year, because I simply couldn't take any more!

And yeah, it's just really annoying all of the politically motivated voting, it's one of the many reasons that the UK does not take it seriously, that and the fact that the UK have a long established history of making worldwide popular, good music.
Here are a few bits of gossip about Eurovision 2012.

Arrgghh. - Jedward will be representing Ireland again.

Bizzarre - Austrian band Trackshittaz will perform Woki mit deim Popo

Pretty boys - Belarus will be represented by Litesound singing We are the heros.

Its all shaping up to be another missable episode of love thy neighbour

This year the young Andalusian represent Spain in Eurovision is called Pastora Soler. The song is not already selected.
Spain already has song for Eurovision. A great song, better voice, do not be impressed by the unpresentable Euphoria, or old age redido fall on stage, it is not their grandmothers, are elderly women equally unknown.

It is a festival of song, if they have no voice, eliminate them. A word to the small countries of the East: Please watch the fireworks, the stage can get hot! and believe me in the West is unlikely to be surprised and almost anything.


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