What is a hero?

sorry double post:relief:
I have read one statement on this theme:
When to the person speak - "Be the Hero!" - "someone" want deceiving a him"...:blush:
There are people which have "presence of mind" more strongly that their fears,aspirations and other "from a set of human weaknesses" and their acts cause feeling of admiration this "presence of mind"...()
But all the talk switching to reasoning about "heroes" - "from Crafty"...
Especially "blind" imitation...
Only the God knows - "who is who"..."and who is of this and what for"... "and day for":japanese: ...
purposefully doing a selfless act to save lives/ to protect somebody. and many many exceptions.
I am no hero.
A hero is who someone would die for.
A hero is someone who sacrifices other peoples lifes other then his own.

Ermac said:
A hero is who someone would die for.
A hero is someone who sacrifices other peoples lifes other then his own.

now theres a hero, some who doesn't others and holds his own life above others, i believe hitler was like that,:eek:kashii:, i think ermac has described the true anti-hero.
jack2 said:
now theres a hero, some who doesn't others and holds his own life above others, i believe hitler was like that,:eek:kashii:, i think ermac has described the true anti-hero.

Yuup! :eek:kashii: Ermac if you meant heroes form the movies or acient heroes, they mostly sacrifice their live to save others. :relief:

And Hitler was like that jack... He is the most mean person i have ever heard about! :( Truly a big anti-hero!!! :eek:kashii:
Anti Hero....hmmm

Maybe its your state of mind which leads you too think like that, In my eyes a person who people lay down their lifes for would be a hero, its a twisted concept.

Enough talk about hitler, my comment was not intended to be anywhere near him and what hitler represents. If I wants to say hitler was a hero id say it.

Fat chance of that happening.
Only those who gave the life are reall heroes, but to give the life for a good reason.
Well lets see

Hero is consider as a Greek word Ηρωας
Ηρωας is connected with the name Ηρακλης Hercules

Some connect it with goddess Hera, and some with Arian Aryan AR->ΗΡ

Hero in Greek means the one that fights erectus, and not behind others, or hides
Hero means the one that can achive the impossible,
according legend yes Hero must pass the dillema of Αρετης και Κακκιας (Good and bad)

No the reasons are always doubt or in debate,
As an example the one that for someone is Hero for some, may be Devil for other.
Take the cases of a war, the Hero of 1 nation is the Devil for the other,
A hero is person that will be connected with Myths, and a unification movement.
But also A hero can be someone that pass 7 oceans to find his loving girl

If you watch Homer poetry it connects characters and lives with Heroism.
Achilleas could be a old wealthy and BIG king but decided a short life and only 1 fight was enough to pass eternity (glory, war hero, Pride)
Hectoras Well he is a hero, man of principals, traped 2 times. 1 from his brother, and 1 from Patroclos (the National Hero, the martyr)
Patroklos hmmm not a fighter but a hero, his sentiments drive him to steal Achilleos arms and Defend retreating Myceneans. (sentimental, Heroism of the born looser, the unexpected Heroism)
Paris hmmm as described in Ilias is not a hero (the eternity will-want to be someone, even by cheating, the fake Hero, the one who wants to be someone that he is not)
Aias Ajax is the hero that is hero but people just ignore him, and thats makes him mad (non balance hero)
Priamos another type of Hero, the old man, the old hero that dares to kneel to take his sons body.
(the inner world Hero, the old man that still got principles)
King Nestor the wise hero
finally Odysseas, the every day hero, the smart hero, the eternal fighting hero, the don't give up Hero.
Odysseas is the every day fight for survive Hero.

Choose your types and pick

the only one miss in Homer is a revolt Hero, a Spartacus.
A hero is someone who is loyal, someone who doesn't give up due to external pressures.
a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

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