Is racism towards dark skin people an outcome of colonization, or a question of class

There are like 140 millions of population in Mexico and the average mexican doesn't look anything like the guys you posted. I can also post pics of blonde spaniards... but that won't change the fact that average spaniards are brunettes.

And I don't know why you have to talk about mexican inmigrants or scandinavians... we haven't said a word about it. :rolleyes: This clearly show that you have self-esteem problem and issues about your nationality.

Then again, you know the average mexicans look like this:


And average spaniards like this:


I pray that you sleep well tonight. (y)
I am strongly opposed to this. I think people have the right to preserve their identity, culture, traditions, instead of making a homogeneus mixed globalized world.

I absolutely agree, every country and nation should have a right to create its own destiny.
But look at the world, it has shrunk, and people are mixing faster than ever before. As long as individuals will have a free hand to choose his/her mate then all races will continue to mix. You would need to implement dictatorship to stop it, or create a religious sect. Most likely you would only slow it down. Even Jews are not exactly same Jews that left Israel 2000 years ago.
At the end of the day, no mater how hard you will bang your had on the wall and call all gods to help you, the one race scenario will happen.....unless civilization collapses and we're back in caves.
LeBrok, Wilhelm didn't talk about mixed races but culture and traditions. Jews are not racially the same they were 2000 years ago... but they've managed to keep their traditions pretty well.
I think that to play the photo war ist tasteless, and show a really a
fundamental lack of decency... But then again, I will not allow you to go
away with it as easily...






By contrast, the feminine Mexican voley-ball team, looks "white"...




Unfortunatelly, the Spanish inferiority complex of being the most swarthy
european types available, garantee that we will have much more post
and themes, in which the Spaniards pretend to present themselves as
the "core" of the celtic culture...

I wonder if the Germanic tribes would not finally have their craddle in the
center of Iberia... but with honest researchers like Lynx and "Wilhelm"
( :D ) here... well, who knows.
LOL. This guy is like the Duracell Bunny.

This article may help us to understand his behavior:

Ethnic Identity and Self-Esteem of Latino Adolescents

Distinctions Among The Latino Populations

Adriana J. Uma?a-Taylor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Marcelo Diversi
Utah State University

Mark A. Fine
University of Missouri–Columbia

This article reviews 21 empirical studies in which the relationship between self-esteem and ethnic identity among Latino adolescents was examined.

This analysis indicates that for some conceptualizations of ethnic identity there has been a positive relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem, whereas with other conceptualizations the relationships between ethnic identity and self-esteem have been inconsistent.

The methodological limitations of the existing work are also examined. Despite the differences in conceptualization and the methodological limitations, the existing research suggests a positive relationship between degree of ethnic identification and self-esteem for Latinos who live in areas where their Latino group composes the majority of the Latino population.
I think that to play the photo war ist tasteless, and show a really a
fundamental lack of decency... But then again, I will not allow you to go
away with it as easily...



By contrast, the feminine Mexican voley-ball team, looks "white"...


Unfortunatelly, the Spanish inferiority complex of being the most swarthy
european types available, garantee that we will have much more post
and themes, in which the Spaniards pretend to present themselves as
the "core" of the celtic culture...
I wonder if the Germanic tribes would not finally have their craddle in the
center of Iberia... but with honest researchers like Lynx and "Wilhelm"
( :D ) here... well, who knows.

Give me a break. What are you trying to prove? There you go, creating pseudo-realities again...
This may help aswell to understand why he is making a fool of himself...

Mexican complex of inferiority, origins, solutions.

Ok, I'm writing this thread asking for input from all sources, but please keep it objective, neutral and respectul.

I have to say that it bothers me a lot to see how a lot of people in my country have such an inferiority complex!!!

People is always complaining about how bad things are here, how everything sucks, how we don't have hope for a better future, and all kinds of remarks that are completely negative and false.

"Unsound intellection is false understanding, not resting on a perception of the true nature of things."

"When the object is not truly perceived, when the observation is inaccurate and faulty. thought or reasoning based on that mistaken perception is of necessity false and unsound."

It is obvious that these ideas are far from being real, they just exist in the minds of some people born in this country (Mexico), but as everything is influenced by our mindset, this is reflected in the way we despise and reject our culture and regard it as inferior, people are way to fascinated with foreign influences, specially those who come from the United States and feel that we aren't in the same level, while this is nonsense. We go as far as denying any positive aspects of our indigenous inheritance as an inferior culture that has to be forgotten.

what could be the cause of such an inferiority complex? and how could it be solved? Octavio Paz speaks about it in his book The Labyrinth of Solitude
"Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone, and the only one who seeks out another. His nature-if that word can be used in reference to man, who has ?invented? himself by saying ?no? to nature- consists in his longing to realize himself in another. Man is nostalgia and a search for communion. Therefore, when he is aware of himself he is aware of his lack of another, that is, of his solitude."

Paz observes that solitude is responsible for the Mexican?s perspective on death, ?fiesta?, and identity. Death is seen as an event that is celebrated but at the same time repelled because of the uncertainty behind it. As for the fiestas, they express a sense of communality, crucially emphasizing the idea of not being alone and in so doing helps to bring out the true Mexican that is usually hidden behind a mask of self-denial. This represents the way in which the Mexicans have inherited two distinct cultures, the indigenous and the Spanish, but by denying one part of their identity they become stuck in a world of solitude.

From the essay ?The Conquest and Colonialism? onwards, Paz makes a detailed analysis of Mexican history beginning with a look at their Pre-Columbian culture and in particular reflecting on the 1910 Revolt. In his analysis, he expresses how the humanists take a primary role as the intellectuals of the country. His major criticism is that to be an intellectual it is necessary to distance oneself from the subject that you are studying so that the argument remains critical yet rational and objective. While the intellectual gets more involved with the political environment, his arguments can often become influenced by other factors such as political motivation and pressure to conform.

What are your thoughts on this subject?

Mine are that people in this country should travel more, get to know other cultures and countries and see how blessed we are, how great we are how special we are, being Mexican and born in Mexico is a blessing and we should thank God for that!

People in this country should see what is really a hard life, what is really poverty of not having anything to eat so they could stop complaining and start appreciating to live where we live and have what we have, and stop looking at or seeking superficial things, instead of looking and searching the interior.

People should start an inner fight with the objective of destroying for good those negative thoughts and that low self - perception, replacing it for the true perception of what we really are and develop a positive mindset. We are Mexicans, we are the children of advanced civilizations that were in many ways more advanced than the current civilizations that are leading our world to self destruction, and mankind to a prision of materialism, ignorance, emptiness, loneliness, we need to realize that our fascination for those cultures is fascination for death and destruction.

"Egotism is but the perversion of spiritual being. Ambition is the inversion of spiritual power. Passion is the distortion of love. The mortal is the limitation of the immortal. When these false images give place to true, then the spiritual man stands forth luminous, as the sun, when the clouds disperse."
The most important Spanish actor of the moment...


I do not pretend to insult this guy... on the contrary, I think that its type have some kind of exotic charm... nothing personal against this great actor.

But you know... vulgar racists like Lynx, Wilhelm, etcetera... have a lot to
explain, specially, when they say that "Hollywood" purposelly tries now
and again to present them as "swarthy dirty Mexicans"

You can also post pics of spanish-gipsy dancer Joaquin Cortes or pictures of mexican director Guillermo del Toro (who is from 100% spanish descent).

So what? That won't change reality. That won't change the FACT that Mexico is mostly a native american country and Spain is mostly a white and european country... If that bugs you It's your problem: Seek for professional help.

You clearly have to be one sick person to construtc your own reality and start calling people "vulgar racist" just for stating the racial reality of your country with pictures.

Have a nice life.
Mexican football fans (average mexicans):


Spanish football fans (average spaniards):


I'm sorry if these images hurt your feelings... :worried:
By contrast, the feminine Mexican voley-ball team, looks "white"...
They don't look european at all..they look Indian
Why it is so hard for you to accept that Mexico has nothing to do with Spain ?? :confused:
Seriously, you need help
I've found another article that may help our beloved mexican friend:


The process of colonization begins with the physical occupation of land and the domination of the Indigenous people. Following the primarily physical aspects of colonization (ie. Military conflict, relocation, etc.) non-physical methods are applied. These include what could be called mental aspects. Religious indoctrination, cultural, social and economic assimilation are common examples. Therefore it could be said that colonization is comprised of two primary aspects - physical and mental.

Prior to colonization Indigenous peoples were free and sovereign nations. Through colonization Indigenous people are deprived of their freedom and live in an oppressed situation. In order to be liberated from this oppressive state the process of colonization must be reversed. That is, it must begin with the mental aspects and move towards the physical.

Colonization is always destructive. This destruction becomes internalized within the Indigenous person. Some basic characteristics of this are:

1. Internal violence and aggression
Anger and violence directed toward oneself, one another and
family/community. This includes rape, murder, assault, sexual abuse of children, suicide, etc. The irrational violence within the colonized Indigenous person results from the oppressed conditions that colonization imposes upon people. (ie. Poverty, loss of identity, breakdown of family and nation structure, etc.) Some of this comes from specific methods used by the colonizing nation, for example Residential schools, the reserve system, etc.

2. Individualism - self interest
With the breakdown of the nation and the family, fragmentation and competition has come to replace the sense of unity, community and togetherness that was once the basis of Indigenous society.

3. Neglecting one's culture - assimilation
A key tactic if colonization is to portray the Indigenous culture as negative and irrelevant to (modern) society. Once this belief is entrenched within the Indigenous person they have no alternative but to assimilate and conform to the colonialist society.

4. Inferiority complex - identity crisis
The objective of the colonialist is to have the Indigenous person believe that there is little or no positive aspects within the Indigenous culture. Physical and mental domination, constant negative portrayals of Indigenous people and history, and white supremacist attitudes plat fundamental roles in the creation of the Indigenous inferiority complex. The indigenous person begins to question their identity and becomes caught between the historical concept of the traditional Indian and present day reality. "Who am I?" "What does it mean to be an Indian?" Major contributing factors to these questions are Residential/public schools, fostering of Indigenous children, inaccurate histories, centralization in urban areas, loss of language and culture.

5. Abandoning of traditional territories
Colonization creates a feeling of Indigenous dependancy on colonially established towns (reserve - towns) and cities. In order to benefit from colonial programs and institutes Indigenous people must migrate to these areas and leave their traditional territories. The act of relocating and isolating Indigenous people into the reserve areas is a tactic used to force the people away from the majority of their territory. This allows the colonial state to assume jurisdiction over lands that were once controlled by Indigenous Nations. It also removes the Indigenous people physically to accommodate the establishment of settler communities and resource extraction. The current BC Treaty process is a way of legally entrenching, and acquiring consent for an agreed upon abandonment and surrender of traditional territories.

Decolonization, as mentioned earlier, is the act of reversing the process of colonization. It can be said that decolonization is constructive rather than destructive. the following methods of decolonization are aimed at reversing the destructive effects of colonialism that have been described above.

1. Raising the consciousness of the oppressive state that Indigenous people live in by exposure to a more realistic account of history and identifying an enemy that's creating and maintaining that oppression. An effective strategy can include proper counter-action methods such as: educating oneself and serving as an example for others, advocating sovereign Indigenous rights, and exercising and defending those rights and traditional territory. These activities provide experiences that instill a sense of purpose by involving people in actions that make a positive contribution to their communities and ultimately to their sense of self. Individual, family, then community healing must occur. During this healing process, irrational violence and aggression is dissolved and a more purposeful facet may be identified to vent negative feelings that remain from colonization.

2.Understanding you are a people and a Nation sharing the same ancestry. During the early steps of recovery, unity and togetherness play a vital role in the strengthening of the family and community units. An Indigenous person who is conscious of their oppressive history is also aware that they are not alone. The individualistic attitude introduced through colonization subsides to the Indigenous natural inclinations of caring and supporting one another. Self-interests also deteriorate and communal or national Indigenous interests become a key focus as a necessity in the process of decolonization.

3. Revitalizing a sense of nationality and appreciating the knowledge and ways of Indigenous ancestry. Traditional philosophies of respect and appreciation for the Earth, life, others and oneself are positive parts of Indigenous culture that are stillrelevant today. An understanding of the negative and positive aspects of the colonial society is important and education on the negative aspects must be emphasized, while positive aspects be utilized. It must be acknowledged that all Indigenous people are assimilated to one degree or another, no one is immune from colonial influence or assimilation. While this remains as true, it must also be accepted that Indigenous culture and ways are not static. If Indigenous people had not undergone the influence of colonialism, they would not be the exact same societies as those that existed at the time of intial contact. It is at this point that the Indigenous person must learn to exist within a colonial environment in a decolonized manner.

4. Recognizing the strength in Indigenous ways. While undergoing exposure to the truths of history, the Indigenous person realizes the fallacies and disinformation that the colonialist society circulates in regards to Indigenous history, culture and practices. It is important at this stage, to broaden the process of decolonization, to begin circulating more accurate and truthful accounts of Indigenous society. Firstly, re-education must be directed towards the Indigenous Nations and then focus may be directed towards people of other nationalities. As Indigenous people have acquired an inferiority complex through the oppressive lifestylethat they have become accustomed to, their initial reaction may be to overthrow their oppressor and gain control of the reigns. The Indigenous person must understand that the colonial society is destructive and the few positive aspects it does contain are the only beneficial components that can contribute to the process of decolonization. It is not feasible for a colonized Indigenous Nation to return to a totally traditional lifestyle, as their mentality and environment has been drastically transformed. However, an incorporation of positive aspects of (modern) society and ancestral Indigenous ways will contribute to overcoming the effects of inferiority and identity crisis.

5. Reoccupying traditional territory. This includes establishing permanent or semi-permanent camps and communities in areas previously occupied by the Indigenous Nation and now abandoned, as well as increasing traditional activities such as fishing, hunting, and other food gathering. A primary goal of such reoccupation would be eventually establishing self-sufficient and independent communities beyond the range and influence of colonial society. From these, sovereign and free territories can be reconstructed, ultimately removing Indigenous people from the colonial society - a primary aim of decolonization.

Colonization is constructive to the colonizing society, but destructive to the Indigenous society. In contrast, decolonization is constructive to Indigenous society, but destructive to the colonial society.

Please learn something and go ahead.

PS. I've found more self-help articles that may interested you. Greetings.
I think that to play the photo war ist tasteless, and show a really a
fundamental lack of decency... But then again, I will not allow you to go
away with it as easily...



By contrast, the feminine Mexican voley-ball team, looks "white"...


Unfortunatelly, the Spanish inferiority complex of being the most swarthy
european types available, garantee that we will have much more post
and themes, in which the Spaniards pretend to present themselves as
the "core" of the celtic culture...
I wonder if the Germanic tribes would not finally have their craddle in the
center of Iberia... but with honest researchers like Lynx and "Wilhelm"
( :D ) here... well, who knows.

Most are light mestizos. Not likely there any fully white people in the photos. So, once again, what's your point?
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And by the way, the most Whiter a mexican looks, the most Spanish blood he/she has.. Surprise !!
En serio, deja de arrastrarte que das penita...
Sapnish Military:
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Voleyball is a sport for high-class people in Mexico (1% of the population :indifferent:) is almost like playing polo in Europe, it's something very elitist for them. And high-class people in Mexico use to have more european roots.

On the other hand, football is a more popular sport in that country... everyone can be a football player in Mexico.

This Sirius' guy can't be serious. :rolleyes:
Portuguese Military:
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You realy don't get tired of this, uh?

I estimate is about 2:00 AM in Spain... :bored:

(I am not tired :cool-v: )
You don't get tired of acting like a mor*n with inferiority complex in front of spaniards? Yeah that was pretty clear. Your people have been acting that way for almost 500 years (and counting).



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