Politics codex alimentarius

Absolute control of every food and drug you put into your body will no ability to choose for yourself. Created by banking interests and Big Pharma at the UN. TOTAL TYRANNY!!!
You should say that so laud. Don't you see, the cameras are everywhere, they control the net too! You might be on their list already, be careful...
You should say that so laud. Don't you see, the cameras are everywhere, they control the net too! You might be on their list already, be careful...

Come to America and expierence the TSA body cavity searchs on your way to Christmas dinner, nothing like a guy named Hank shoving his hand down your pants to ring in the yule tide!!...and yes they do keep lists dude.( No Fly lists for political protesters) I worked for these Mother f#4kers my friend. ...Not that I would'nt pay for a good body cavity search given the right girl...but still.
What are you saying? The do cavity search just to control you and stop you from smuggling illegal books, or to find hidden explosives to save lives? One day if your government will be against freedom of speech, they'll shut down the Internet just for starters.
Political protesters, hmmm, you mean the anarchists and hooligans that burned cars and shops in Toronto last summer? No fly list, that's their punishment??? If I was running the country they would still be in labour camp working hard to pay for the damage of my property, yes, my public property.
And to be clear, I truly believe that we have mostly morons running our countries and I believe we should change our political systems to elect smartest and most honest people of us to govern. The current mess in the world is the result of incompetence of politicians, and general imperfect human nature that fails to fully understand complex systems like economy and financials. That's the reason for the problems, and not the result of conspiracy of small group of people controlling masses.

I can understand why conspiracy theory have it's proponents. It is one theory that fits all, and it doesn't require countless and detailed scientific analyzes of complex systems. Conspiracy explains it all: financial crises - them, global warming - they did it, my life sucks - surely them, cavity search - yes same bustards, etc. It's so simple; it's hard not to believe!

Conspiracy theory is at least couple of hundred years old, heck maybe a thousand. Always the same story that someone is responsible for your misfortune: the masons, jews, government, etc. The theory evolves with times and now we have different problems and different group with global reach.
Notice how much life of ordinary citizen in US improved during last 200 years. You live in warm big house, fly around the world, listen to music wherever you want, glide on roads around your town in a car with climate control, music, phones even TV for god sake. Sooooooo? How this powerful group of controlling people let this to happen???!!!! Two options. Either they care for an average citizen and they work hard to improve lives on average, and therefore you should be rather supporting them in their honest effort. Or there is no controlling group, except changing people in governments, common folks working, scientists inventing new things and world progresses somewhat. There is no other option that makes sense.
And look at the most powerful/richest people in US. Gates and Buffet are giving away their money, billions upon billions every year! They don't want more money, they have too much. Is this true? One can have too much money? What a novel idea! Oh right, they, the richest, actually are not in conspiracy to steal your money, hmmmm.

PS. Bill Gates by his vaccination program saved already millions of people around the world. How come people don’t wear T-shirts and tattoos with face of Bill Gates on them?! Instead we see Che Guevara depicted everywhere. The guy who killed more than saved. The guy who was instrumental in building communist regime in Cuba, the regime that enslaved all, and murdered thousands.
So, what the heck is wrong with people!!!???
And this is my friend, why our world is messed up. Not because rich and powerful wants you money and misery.
In the past most people lived in villages, around 90% of countries population. Everybody knew everything about everyone. Most of houses had only one room with 5-10 people living in it. Even parents' sex wasn't much of a private affair. What privacy did ordinary folks had? Even the rich didn't have much privacy either. They were surrounded all the time by servants who new everything about their lives, and therefore the village new everything about them too.
The current anonymity and privacy you enjoy is an invention of current times. So again, "they" failed in controlling this aspect of our lives too!
In the past most people lived in villages, around 90% of countries population. Everybody knew everything about everyone. Most of houses had only one room with 5-10 people living in it. Even parents' sex wasn't much of a private affair. What privacy did ordinary folks had? Even the rich didn't have much privacy either. They were surrounded all the time by servants who new everything about their lives, and therefore the village new everything about them too.
The current anonymity and privacy you enjoy is an invention of current times. So again, "they" failed in controlling this aspect of our lives too!

What ignorant simplification of the problem!
Yes, let us be watched and controlled, people usually enjoy in that.
Yeah, Bill Gates and his vaccination program..LOL apparently you don't know anything about it. 90% of vaccines contain adjuvants and themerasol and don't even work. Vaccines are a product driven by fear and lobbyists. Judging from your know nothing response I am pretty sure you have never done anything but watch TV and read mainstream news. Oh yes, we all live in big warm houses and want for nothing over here in the States....you are a gullible serf. I guess I should be happy that I don't have to spin my own wool anymore thanks to big government!! Glad you are happy in ignorance... but, you will never know the difference..of course. People like you are why it's so easy to get away with murder on a grand scale. You drink your floride and do what you are told. Oh no there were never any conspiracies to subvert the public will in government...no, they are our friends....they are here to keep us safe...from the terrorists...and carbon emisions..and global pandemics that have'nt even occured yet. I guess Bernie Madoff stole 54 billion dollars all by himself, his pals at the SEC just dropped the ball right? It always incompitance right? No it was goddamn intentional..those buerocrats were running cover for him..end of story...But I guess thats a conspiracy theory. Toronto!?? For your information those so called "anarchists" were police provacatuers who walked right past uniformed police while peacefull protestors had the shit kicked out of them...you havent researched any of it...keep watching TV...LOL Sheep
What ignorant simplification of the problem!
Yes, let us be watched and controlled, people usually enjoy in that.
If you open you mouth to call people names, have some courtesy too to give counterarguments, facts, or your own theories. Say something logical at least.
I never said that I don't like my privacy the way we know it today. Don't jump to conclusions and read carefully.

The argument was to demystify someones believe that in past everything was peachy, the world was beautiful, people were happy, free with lots of privacy. Well guess what, the world sucked for most folks more than is sucks now.
So if there is conspiracy of rich and powerful, and they lead the world now, then they are doing hell of a good job, much better than our free and privet ancestors did in the past for long millenia.
If you open you mouth to call people names, have some courtesy too to give counterarguments, facts, or your own theories. Say something logical at least.
I never said that I don't like my privacy the way we know it today. Don't jump to conclusions and read carefully.
The argument was to demystify someones believe that in past everything was peachy, the world was beautiful, people were happy, free with lots of privacy. Well guess what, the world sucked for most folks more than is sucks now.
So if there is conspiracy of rich and powerful, and they lead the world now, then they are doing hell of a good job, much better than our free and privet ancestors did in the past for long millenia.
All I want to say is that your comparison is inadequate. You want to put on the same level privacy within family, and government controlled usurpation of your freedom and rights, which is totally different things. Not to mention that technically such level of control wasn't possible in previous history.The problem is not with the someone who likes his governing elita, like you do, but with someone who doesn't. If I understand you corectly, your main thesis is that we pour mortals should be satisfied with what we have already, and not to dare to ask sufficient questions. Because people that lead us knows better than us what we need. Well known part of Dostoyevski's Great Inquisitor.
Everything has it price, and so the "hell of a goood job" of your leaders. Revolution indeed eats their own children.
You are talking to someone who lived half life under communist regime and Soviet occupation. Please telling me what freedom or privacy is, because I have no clue. Also I might not realize how life controlled by the government is. I expect you can enlighten me too on this subject.
I've been to protests where you could lose your life in seconds, or die forgotten in a prison. So please teach me about brutality of Canadian policemen.
Big heroes, no fly list ha? Go to Nigeria and protest against their government and corporations leaking Exxon Valdes amount of oil every year for 30 years to the river. I don’t see these activists there, are the tickets too expensive?!

For half of my life I was exposed to government propaganda on daily bases. I can smell it for miles, and you my friend, are spewing it like Pinatubo ashes. At first glance it makes sense, but if you pick it apart piece by piece, it falls down like house of cards. You've been indoctrinated, which is very common in your age, and believe it with all your hart to the point that you can die or kill for it.
Before you say anything else about freedoms and privacy at least read book Gulag by Solzhenitsyn.

Don't recycle and recite someone else's material. Take it apart, do a research into a subject, find out how it works, how it works, how things work.

Let's talk about the bad companies.
Nobody can deny that there are bad companies, corrupt political parties, or stupid governments. Basically companies and governments are run by people, therefore the companies represent the ideas, morality, smarts of the people working for them, especially in management. Like people the companies are good and bad, lazy or full of entrepreneurial spirit, greedy and generous, honest and corrupt, smart and stupid, but generally something in between these extremes. I know many entrepreneurs, business owner, CEOs, and I can tell you that they look like your neighbor next door. Also they behave like one too. They want same things in life; home, family, car, few toys, freedoms, privacy, clean air, clean water, live healthy long life, and generally wish everyone well. Just like most of the people.
See the companies don’t need to be controlled to do stupid things. By imperfection of human nature they are doomed to make mistakes, go bankrupt, poison people, or pollute the environment. We don’t need conspiracies to explain why business or government often fails or harms people. The human nature, the human element in business is the explanation.

Going back to bad companies. They do exist, and lots of us, ordinary folks, are going to get screwed by them. Not much different than when interacting with people around. There are days that you'll get a harsh treatment from a stranger or someone even close. What does that mean? Should we close all companies down because some are bad, and kill all the people because of few rotten apples?
After all, this "bad" business produces 15 trillion of US GDP. Do you know how your life would look like without this 15 trillion? Go to Africa..., and once you’re there also check on freedoms and privacy.
Or be like Gandhi, and do what you believe in. You hate corporations and governments, so build a house in a forest, or use a cave, don't use anything that is produced by business/corporation.....so no axe or matches or internet either. Live there happily with your full freedoms and exceptional privacy. I will congratulate you on your honesty. You have a choice.
All I want to say is that your comparison is inadequate. You want to put on the same level privacy within family, and government controlled usurpation of your freedom and rights, which is totally different things. Not to mention that technically such level of control wasn't possible in previous history.The problem is not with the someone who likes his governing elita, like you do, but with someone who doesn't. If I understand you corectly, your main thesis is that we pour mortals should be satisfied with what we have already, and not to dare to ask sufficient questions. Because people that lead us knows better than us what we need. Well known part of Dostoyevski's Great Inquisitor.
Everything has it price, and so the "hell of a goood job" of your leaders. Revolution indeed eats their own children.

Thank, now I want what you wanted from me. :) Good point, it wasn't exactly the same.
You have to keep in mind that villages had their own governments, like village council or village mayor. It means that the low levels of government knew what all folks are off too. The villagers couldn't write, so no censorship, but whatever you said, could have reach mayor, as form of gossips.
Some of the Kings or governments in the past had organized strong police services too. There was a policeman in every village kipping an eye on population. Not to protect people, to protect kings interest mostly. French in 18th century, the Russian Czar police and censorship, probably even more so in Prussian German.
In feudalism system there was always Landlord who was checking his flock, and one couldn't even move or travel without his permission.
Did you ever seen tv series Rome by HBO? Very well done accurate life of Roman citizens across many classes. I think it is one of the best depictions of life in antiquity.

You miss the part when I call governments and politicians Morons?

PS. I know what I have and what I can lose. Being poor some time ago and having just few possessions, I know how valuable things are.
And yes I'm very appreciative too. Every time I'm turning the knob in bathroom and there is hot water coming from the ceiling, I thank the one, the unknown sole, who invented the shower. One of the top human inventions, period.

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