Schwarzenegger for EU president?


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In a time of economic crisis we need a strong no nonsense figure to knock heads together and get things done. That's why I have been super excited about our next EU president I think you will all agree he the best candidate for the job....


Schwarzenegger for EU president? - Read more!
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In a time of economic crisis we need a strong no nonsense figure to knock heads together and get things done. That's why I have been super excited about our next EU president I think you will all agree he the best candidate for the job....


Schwarzenegger for EU president? - Read more!

Ha, that's very funny. Arnie is such a plonker. Could be worse though, how about Rambo er Sly instead?

Silvester Rambo Stallone doesn't even dare to visit Europe because he is afraid of tewworism.. (Texan)

And no, Schwarzy is a republican, and Austrian, and both are not very popular in the rest of Europe.
Politically too far right wing and creepy. People didn't forget about Haider and Kurt Waldheim.
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He doesn't seem to be a good president... He will have more laws promoting showbiz actors and actresses...
The President of Europe should be an honest man or woman, intellectually high standard, above all nations and politics.
Very rich, so no one can bribe him/her. He/she has to stand above religions too. And good looks too!

Don't worry... You will never find that. :useless:

Silvester Rambo Stallone doesn't even dare to visit Europe because he is afraid of tewworism.. (Texan)

And no, Schwarzy is a republican, and Austrian, and both are not very popular in the rest of Europe.
Politically too far right wing and creepy. People didn't forget about Haider and Kurt Waldheim.
Above all, Hitler.

Schwarzenegger was a total disaster for the state of California between 2003-2010, made some bad decisions. Like floating state debt through bond sales, repealing the vehicle licensing fee, pandering to special interest groups, and being a total fool when it comes to standing up to the state legislature.

Conservative right wing Austrian politician. No, thanks!
Could an American citizen be EU president? A failed governor of California would hardly be a good candidate for EU president, though I am sure this was suggested in jest.
Could an American citizen be EU president? A failed governor of California would hardly be a good candidate for EU president, though I am sure this was suggested in jest.

Was Schwarzenegger really less competent as a governor than his predecessors were?
As the lesser of two evils is still evil, the lesser of two (or more) incompetents is still incompetent.
Surely a great entertainer and actor but im not sure about the european politics part

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