The original Indo-European Mitochondrial haplogroup(s)

Maciamo (or someone else), ¿what dou you think about K linages in that issue? In Europe there are so many different clades and, for example, to find different K1b's and K2b's, it's quite usual. No need to mention the diversity of K1a's too.

I personally was surprised to discover that my mother, being fully Catalan, belonged to the haplogroup listed in my profile. I did not expect it, and I can't determine if it's normal or not to find in Iberia. All cases I know at 23andme are Northern European descent, and I remember, time ago while checking family tree, there was one in Galicia and Northern Italy. That's all.

well , this book from link says K is from Venice 17000 years ago

this says 10000 years
Thanks zanipolo. I must say 17.000 years seems very unlikely, 10.000 it's possible (doesn't matter where). But, focussing on K, my question was in the direction, if there are clades (and wich ones), more closely related to indo-europeans than others.

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