Map of Individualism (vs Collectivism)

I'm sorry, Arvistro, but as your own link says:

"The term German resistance should not be understood as meaning that there was a united resistance movement in Germany at any time during the Nazi period,[1] analogous to the more coordinated Polish Underground State, Greek Resistance, Yugoslav Partisans,French Resistance, Norwegian resistance movement and Italian Resistance. The German resistance consisted of small and usually isolated groups. They were unable to mobilize political opposition. "

The number of such people was extremely small. There's absolutely no comparison, especially to Italy. Even France was more sympathetic to the Fascists.

Totalitarianism takes over more easily in some countries than in others. In Germany the political, financial, industrial, and even the religious and entertainment sectors all actively participated in the regime's goals and policies, and that includes the Wehrmacht, and the mass of the population also went along willingly. Most of the analysis of the period bears that out; it's not just my take on it

I'd recommend reading: The German War-A Nation Under Arms by Nicholas Stargardt

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer is out in a new edition and I think it has stood the test of time very well.
The above contains links to a number of good books on the subject.

You don't get any more collectivist or "tribal" than was group think on a massive scale, nothing individualistic about it at all, in my opinion.
You said there was none at all, but that is unfair to these 77,000 Germans:
"Approximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistance by Special Courts, courts-martial, People's Courtand the civil justice system. Many of these Germans had served in government, the military, or in civil positions, which enabled them to engage in subversion and conspiracy"

I don't know how that fares against Italian or other resistance movements. Perhaps more people died in those countries for resistance.
Hofstede fails to understand the link between ever changing Life Conditions (ups and downs, wars, economy crashes, etc) and Coping Capacities (“I am fine until I do not consider that Poles are stealing my/our jobs”), therefore fails to foresee what is actually going on right now in those highly "individualistic" countries like UK for e.g. Hate crimes against Polish people, really?

Individualism/collectivism is not inherently a genetic trait. We all adapt to what we feel is threatening to us, so if we feel (feelings do not have to be objective & rational) that we should collectively say no to EU, we will, and we will steer our own way collectively, and those individualists might as well be just branded as “traitors”. As it happens in UK: "THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT will force companies to list all their foreign workers in a bid to shame firms that turn down UK citizens"

So much for individualistic country that scored up to 90% according to Hofstede. Simply frightening...

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