prisons in Norway


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North Germanic
I didn't know you are suffering so bad in Norway...
If at least you had the right to travel, then you could emigrate to a country like Albania or so. How much worse must it be even in the EU then?
Look i am not saying it's hard to live here or anything even close to that i am just saying that it's unfair.

People gets thrown in jail for a reason, they broke the law. In most criminal offences there is a victim, and i don't think giving the prisoner all this stuff while helping him with education and life after prison etc is fair.

And it's all payed by taxpayers money, so the victim, who will continue to work even tough maybe his shop was broken into or something of the sort, will have to pay for the offenders flat tv screen and internet connection trough taxes. While what the prisoners( in my opinion) really deserves is some sort of serius punishment, not for the sake of society, in the way that people will be scared to break the law( they will still break the law it don't matter)but for the sake of JUSTICE.

Besides the money could have used on other things like our police and schools, which aren't very good. Roads too.

it's all because of that mentality " treat a man like an animal and you'll end up with an animal "

So by treating prisoners good, they will act like normal people in society when they get out again.

I don't buy into that one bit, i believe those people who commit crimes as serious as rape and murder have a certain mindset that can't just be fixed.

Also if you can help them, i don't think they deserve it.

That of course only my opinion and i would like to hear yours.
I was mostly referring to your second youtube link, presenting Norway as some kind of communist dictatorship. Of course not everything is perfect, as anywhere. But with that sort of presentation I can't take any further discussion seriously anymore.

Regarding the condition of prisons, that's a different topic, which surely can be discussed. But it is so complex, that I haven't made a clear mind up yet.
I don't buy into that one bit, i believe those people who commit crimes as serious as rape and murder have a certain mindset that can't just be fixed.

Also if you can help them, i don't think they deserve it.
I fully agree. If you seriously hurt others, you have broken the social contract which gives u protection from other people. People should be able to kill you without the law interfering.
And stuff like this is payed by for example my dad who pays 55% of his income in tax + all the other fees, like presented here -->

I agree that many taxes are wrong like those on basic human needs (house, land, savings). But I'm not aware such taxes existed in communist eastern block (except that famous one-time 100% taxation of private corporations ;). Land tax for instance was invented by Adam Smith. I think taxes are very often an attempt to keep capitalism running instead of direct communitarian purpose. For instance in USA during the Great Depression in the 30s, Roosevelt imposed 90% tax in order to restart the economy (, although for me the success remains questionable. WW2 might have been more important eventually.). Anyway, I also think there are more urgent needs then luxury prisons.

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