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Y-DNA haplogroup
I have had my Y-DNA tested with FTDNA to 37 markers. The results came back inconclusive, so they ran the Y-HAP Backbone test (or whatever it's called), and the haplogroup given is "I-M170". When I click on the "Y-DNA Haplotree", all it tells me is that I am "presumed positive" for I-M170 and subclades.
My query is more to do with how FTDNA works than anything else (though any help is appreciated), and is thus;
I presume that the allocation of I-M170 means that I am I* (I generic?), i.e. The haplogroup to which I belong has no recent paternal ancestor of such proflicacy as to warrant (at this time) an obvious subclade in to which I can fit. Is that correct?

Also, Whit Athey Predictor gives my haplogroup as I2b, and Cullen's Predictor suggests my subclade as I2-L38. Does the FTDNA finding of I-M170 override those predictions? Certainly on the "haplotree" L38 is not shown in the unattractive mustard colour suggesting "presumed positive", but rather far down the tree in an appealing blue colour suggesting that a test is available. Whether the latter falls under the umbrella of the former, I don't know, and unfortunately I find myself rather confused by FTDNA's website (and by their dismal customer service). I am at a bit of a loss as to what it all means, if anything...

I have received some good feedback from Sparky in previous posts, but any more help and/or guidance will be gratefully received.
My thanks...
Cullen's Predictor is more reliable for your case than Athey's or FTDNA's. FTDNA is actually a bit scrambled right now because they've recently introduced a new haplotree and are assigning a lot of people to wrong clades, so I'd ignore them for the time being.

As a next step, I'd suggest joining the I2-L38 Project. If Cullen's Predictor is somehow wrong in this case, they'll let you know; otherwise, they'll classify you more specifically and you should be able to ask them if there's anything else you can do.
Thanks Sparkey, I joined that group already, at your suggestion. I remain in the "ungrouped" section at the bottom. Should I appeal to the administrators for help in this? I'm unsure of the protocol.
Thanks again for your help.
Thanks Sparkey, I joined that group already, at your suggestion. I remain in the "ungrouped" section at the bottom. Should I appeal to the administrators for help in this? I'm unsure of the protocol.
Thanks again for your help.

Yeah, I'd send off an email to one or two of the admins. They probably just don't update their classifications very often.
I'll do that, thank you.
A stupid question, perhaps, but on my FTDNA "haplotree" page there is mention of "recommended SNPs" which can be ordered, but there is no mention what those might be. How does one find out? Sorry to turn this into an FTDNA query session, but I find it difficult to find answers from the site itself.

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