What music are you listening to?

^^The heel of the boot. You are from there?
^^The heel of the boot. You are from there?
Originally Yes!
The Land between 2 seas.
Land of the Sun, the Sea and the Wind

Terra tra 2 Mari

Sole Mare e Vento

Amara Terra Mia 😢
Domenico Modugno, Pugliese, Born near Bari, and raised in Salento.

VOLARE - Domenico Modugno

Domenico = Mimmo
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Great voices. Domenico Modugno it is also well known in Spain. I love Mina too. Very big.
I love this kind of ...

​For Doggy ... :)


Some space-station music.

​For Doggy ... :)


Thanks, Salento. Thanks to Carlos too.

Antibiotics should take care of it, thank God. I hate when he's sick, though. It's insane how much I love this dog. :) When he's sad the sadness of the whole world is in his eyes.

Very nice, it looks like a Labrador retriever and Rottweiler. It will be fine.
Very nice, it looks like a Labrador retriever and Rottweiler. It will be fine.

Thanks, Carlos. :)

He's an American Black and Tan Coonhound mostly, or so they told us. They're used to hunt raccoons but also foxes and bears in the mountains. He looks to me, in terms of European breeds, like a much taller and bigger Slovakian hound or maybe an Austrian hound. He's my 65 pound baby. :) Absolutely the best dog I've ever had.

Austrian Hound, or so the tag says.

Ok, Slovak hound He was more familiar with the Spanish, Cantabrian or Asturian hound, although here he is still not popular as a companion dog. It is a breed very widespread in Europe, I have always loved this breed, I have even dreamed of having it, but in my mind there were very long ears, there are different types.


Sabueso español
American Made

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Guitars, Cadillacs

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ps one of my cars has a memory card, and somehow every time I turn it on, this song starts playing, no matter how many times I change the setting.
It's driving me crazy. LOL

As the song says, it's a witchcraft thing. LOL

There is even analysis about the lyrics of this song in an attempt to relate the hidden message with witchcraft.

@Carlos guess what? Aserejé, the Magic song is back again, every time a start that car, and the Moon is Humongous tonight. :startled:

Those girls of the musical group are from Cordoba and Córdoba was Roman, has a pending problem with the karmic corn of Córdoba. Something is claiming from that place. To think about it. If any clue comes to me, I'll indicate it. At first I see it in the night, there are more people with faces lit by the flames, it looks like a religious pilgrimage, a funeral of someone important, I think it is an important family that has been massacred. Investigate about its possible connection with Cordoba in Roman times.

The number 4 presides over the message and indicates ancestry, perhaps Celtiberian? Your connection in Córdoba is currently alive.

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Esas chicas del grupo musical son de Córdoba y Córdoba era romana, tiene un problema pendiente con la genética karmícola de Córdoba. Algo está reclamando desde ese lugar. A pensar en ello. Si alguna pista viene a mí, lo indicaré. Al principio lo veo en la noche, hay más personas con los rostros iluminados por las llamas, parece un peregrinaje religioso, un entierro de alguien importante, creo que es una familia importante que ha sido masacrada. Investiga sobre su posible conexión con Córdoba en la época romana.
The number 4 presides over the message and indicates ancestry, perhaps Celtiberian? Your connection in Córdoba is currently alive.

🤞 🧿

Las Ketchup vs Village Girls

They are a little scary ...


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