Politics Vote for a president of USA - 2016 election

Pick a president.

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 24 45.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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uncomfortable tweets? ... swamp (old status quo) outrage? lol

I wish all the Candidates were that transparent expressing real unfiltered thoughts/positions!

nobody reads lame scripted tweets.

I suppose if I like Sanders at all it's because he has been transparent, expressing unfiltered support for a lot of awful things I don't want to have happen to this country. But, none the less, he is honest, terrifying so. That's why he's been resonating with the left; finally, an honest politician. That's not something you can say about the rest of the Democratic field.

BTW, I also think Sander is a blowhard, a bully and a know-it-all.

I'm not sure Trump is honest. The views he's expressing now are very different to those he held in the past. However, I like where the country is now on the economy, foreign affairs, and defense (I'm a veteran and I'm tired of us fighting other peoples' battles). I can't see into the man's head or his heart so that's what I have to go on. He's got my vote at this point.
Amoral? Well, I don't know about that, but we tried a morally-preening President with Carter and what we got was chaos and incompetence. As I remember the Europeans disliked him as much as any other of our Presidents. You just can't win I guess.

I don't have to like a leader as long as he accomplishes the things I want him to accomplish, see above. So far Trump has and unless the Democrats field a serious candidate that isn't closer to Mao than I am (you see, I don't intend to end up like a Maoist), I'm voting for him. My Navy experience tells me that it's better to have a right bastard in charge who can lead than a nice guy who just means well.

And I do know why Trump uses tweets, it is the only direct unmediated line he has to the people (and it drives his opponents and the media crazy, but I repeat myself). It's not unlike Roosevelt's fireside chats on the radio.

Twittering is more easy for him. He can only send. No difficult questions in return. Just sending no receiving no justification.

I mean that you have in this respect an amoral stance regarding Trump as long as chimney smokes.....hey what the heck if he is a basterd!

I guess compared to may be all the previous presidents Trump is the most "un-European one". Certainly compared to Obama.......
Amoral? Well, I don't know about that, but we tried a morally-preening President with Carter and what we got was chaos and incompetence. As I remember the Europeans disliked him as much as any other of our Presidents. You just can't win I guess.

I don't have to like a leader as long as he accomplishes the things I want him to accomplish, see above. So far Trump has and unless the Democrats field a serious candidate that isn't closer to Mao than I am (you see, I don't intend to end up like a Maoist), I'm voting for him. My Navy experience tells me that it's better to have a right bastard in charge who can lead than a nice guy who just means well.

And I do know why Trump uses tweets, it is the only direct unmediated line he has to the people (and it drives his opponents and the media crazy, but I repeat myself). It's not unlike Roosevelt's fireside chats on the radio.

By the way thanks I don't share all your views but at least you argue in a clear but agreeable way!! Not as a machine gun burst.....
One of the most unappealing traits in a person, especially in a man: passive aggression.

Personally attack someone and then feign innocence and hurt when presented with facts you can't refute. Not a good look, buddy.
One of the most unappealing traits in a person, especially in a man: passive aggression.

Personally attack someone and then feign innocence and hurt when presented with facts you can't refute. Not a good look, buddy.

I understand what you are saying vis-à-vis Northerner, but I prefer to accept the thing as stated and move on. Your duty as a Moderator probably won't allow you to do that.
I understand what you are saying vis-à-vis Northerner, but I prefer to accept the thing as stated and move on. Your duty as a Moderator probably won't allow you to do that.

If it gets bad enough the person insulting other members loses posting privileges.

Hasn't reached that stage yet. You should see some of the pms I've gotten. You seem like a very decent guy, so I'm sure they'd turn your stomach, as they turn mine. This is nothing in comparison, although I do even in general find it offensive having Europeans who don't understand this country presuming to judge us and our system. Still, unless it gets really personal, I let it go.

I find that ignoring the lesser offenders works pretty well. Without the attention they crave they often go elsewhere.
@Northerner, why wouldn't Italian-Americans (mostly southerners) be Republican? They're one of the higher income earners, as an ethnicity, in the U.S.


Italians are clannish by nature, which works out very well in the USA. We don't give a damn about people outside of our families, usually.

Also, as Angela said Italian-Americans, come out very strong in support for Trump. Not to mention all of the Italians he surrounds himself with, Giuliani, Manaforte, Bossie, Christie, Pompeo. Some people even accuse Trump of acting like a stereotypical Italian-American. He's from NYC, it is a different ball game here, than what people in other parts of the world may think they know about Italians...
One of the most unappealing traits in a person, especially in a man: passive aggression.

Personally attack someone and then feign innocence and hurt when presented with facts you can't refute. Not a good look, buddy.

If it gets bad enough the person insulting other members loses posting privileges.

Hasn't reached that stage yet. You should see some of the pms I've gotten. You seem like a very decent guy, so I'm sure they'd turn your stomach, as they turn mine. This is nothing in comparison, although I do even in general find it offensive having Europeans who don't understand this country presuming to judge us and our system. Still, unless it gets really personal, I let it go.

I find that ignoring the lesser offenders works pretty well. Without the attention they crave they often go elsewhere.

I leave the floor on this specific topic, to "entre nous" obviously seeking self-assertion. That's exactly the atmosphere I see in the US today (especially regarding Europeans, the gap is widening).

A last remark in this respect:

"having Europeans who don't understand this country"

the preambule of the rules:
The Eupedia Forum is a community of people who share a deep interest in Europe and European culture.

So I would say if you don't want that Europeans are discussing about the US why start this kind of discussion on an European orientated Forum.
I bet there are in the US forums enough were you can discuss about this subject without European disturbers ;)

The remarks about my personality I leave them for what they are. But I want to make clear I never PM'ed you Angela!
Well, I watched the debate, first one I've watched this cycle, and it was worth it! It was like mud wrestling, with all the candidates jumping on Bloomberg. As any New Yorker could have predicted, Mike was a disaster in a public debate format; too freaking arrogant to prepare, too unused to being attacked, unlike Trump, and boring as hell on top of it.

There's a great twitter hashtag "did Bloomberg", which is very funny. Of course, most of the comments probably come from Bernie and Warren supporters. We'll see if dumping another couple of hundred million in ads will overcome his performance in the minds of the general public. Then, who knows how many of them watched the debate or even have been watching the news programs which highlighted parts of it.

https://twitter.com/search?q="Did Bloomberg"&src=trend_click
I suppose if I like Sanders at all it's because he has been transparent, expressing unfiltered support for a lot of awful things I don't want to have happen to this country. But, none the less, he is honest, terrifying so. That's why he's been resonating with the left; finally, an honest politician. That's not something you can say about the rest of the Democratic field.

BTW, I also think Sander is a blowhard, a bully and a know-it-all.

I'm not sure Trump is honest. The views he's expressing now are very different to those he held in the past. However, I like where the country is now on the economy, foreign affairs, and defense (I'm a veteran and I'm tired of us fighting other peoples' battles). I can't see into the man's head or his heart so that's what I have to go on. He's got my vote at this point.

Not that I want to really get involved with a political discussion. I am curious, as an outsider looking in on the US, can you describe what it is you think would happen if Sanders became president? I don't mean this in a rude way at all, just genuinely curious.
Nothing good has ever come out by answering Hypothetical political questions. (traps!) :grin:
Who’s the top 1% (a millionaire) self-declared Socialist candidate for President?
One for all and all for one!


... real picture :)
I will throw up, and intellectually secede from the USA. I recognize I can't legally do it although I do based on Italian law can qualify for Italian citizenship by blood (jure sangiunis). If Giorgia Meloni wins I may just do it.
I will throw up, and intellectually secede from the USA. I recognize I can't legally do it although I do based on Italian law can qualify for Italian citizenship by blood (jure sangiunis). If Giorgia Meloni wins I may just do it.

... no need to secede. you could vote in Both Countries (dual citizenship)

BFF :heart::heart::heart::heart:


That is one great photo. I doubt MSNBC will run it, but if I were on Bernie Sanders campaign staff, I would circulate that photo. 1) It ties Bloomberg to both Trump and Rudy, not good if your running for the Democrat nomination. 2) There is our old friend Bill Clinton. So if Hillary gets the urge to jump back in, you politically link her to well, Rudy, Trump and Bloomberg.

Well when I visited Sicily last summer, I did get my Paternal Great Grandfathers birth record and wedding certified for the dual citizenship. I just don't know how long it is valid. I still have documents here to get "apostille" I think is the legal term. The thought of having dual citizenship has entered my mine.
Edit... deleted.... off topic

All candidates (left and right) are all:
... part of the same hypocrisy ...

Michael Corleone
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In 2004, Bloomberg was one of the largest financial backers of G.W. Bush. Here we are 16 years later and he is running for the Democrat Nomination. Kind of like when I was growing up and going to the barber shop, where I grew up in Southern USA mostly Americano-Siciliano with some Americano-Calabrese/Abruzzo, etc. and those old guys talked about a bunch of global elites meeting somewhere in Europe and putting things on this big chess board. Ahhh, we need to get rid of this guy in this country. We need to start something to drive up Oil prices a while, where can we start a little war. Ahhh, we need to cause a crisis here and force some migrants to have to leave as we need more cheap labor in this country to drive wages down for the middle class, etc, etc, etc. It sort sounded like a conspiracy to me as a kid but the older I get, not so sure any longer. Michael Corleone's quote back in what was in the movie, the 1950's, (1974 Il Padrino Due) seems like those old American-Italians from my childhood days were not too far off.
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