Does Y-DNA influence one's looks after all?

Picture 05, 06, 07, 08.

These are just guesses, and my "yardstick" is just based on the best fit in terms of country, and which y lines are most prevalent in those countries.

R1b: 1, 2, 8, 12, 13, 15

I don't think 5 looks northwestern, but I'd say R1b just because there aren't many R1a or I1 southern Europeans.

I1 or R1a: 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16
I'll give other people a chance to join in. I think most of these men are American. A better method might be to look for a striking resemblance between two faces, our brains are really good at recognizing faces after all. I don't think a rational approach works because we don't know what to look for.
Expredel, the two haplogroups are R1b and I1? Or is it R1b,I1 and R1a?

My Guess for R1b: 01, 02, 04, 05, 08, 13 and 15

My Guess for I1: 07, 09, 10, 11, 16

My Guess for R1a: 03, 06, 12, 14

If there is surprise haplogroups none of those 3, the best candidates are 03, 11, and 14
Very difficult. 06, 07, 10 and 16 look like I1 to me. I have the feeling the features R1b men are more pronounced while they have a sort of dull rational look in the eyes. If they are handsome, they are so in a very masculine way. I1 men tend to have a higher forehead compared to the rest of the face with a sort of naughty look in the eyes. They look more 'cute'. If we compare Charlton Heston and David Beckham or instance, two Germanic looking men admired by women for their looks, I would say Heston is the R1b type while Beckham is the I1 type. Maybe it's nonsense, we'll see if it holds. As to character, looking at famous people, it seems the artisic type is overrepresented in haplogoup I.
These are eight I1 men and eight R1b men. Looking for racial traits is pointless in my opinion, it's better to look for which men might be father and son. The setup is not very scientific, they should all be the same age, from the same nation, and photographed in the same manner.
Very difficult. 06, 07, 10 and 16 look like I1 to me. I have the feeling the features R1b men are more pronounced while they have a sort of dull rational look in the eyes. If they are handsome, they are so in a very masculine way. I1 men tend to have a higher forehead compared to the rest of the face with a sort of naughty look in the eyes. They look more 'cute'. If we compare Charlton Heston and David Beckham or instance, two Germanic looking men admired by women for their looks, I would say Heston is the R1b type while Beckham is the I1 type. Maybe it's nonsense, we'll see if it holds. As to character, looking at famous people, it seems the artisic type is overrepresented in haplogoup I.

Good grief. That's about all I can say about this mishmash.
My guesses:
I1: 01, 03, 06, 08, 09, 12, 14, 15
R1b: 02, 04, 05, 07, 10, 11, 13, 16

I don't have much rational justification, although I guess I tend to associate lighter pigmentation with I1 due to its modern distribution.
It seems my feminine instincts are better developed than yours.

We're dealing, as much as possible, with science here, not "instincts" of any kind. No crystal ball gazing or messages from aliens either.
I mean look at Warren Buffet, what a wonderful, beautifulman… Then compare him to the singer Jimmy Buffet. I had never heard of him, butI looked up his picture and he has precisely the same cheerful boyish look inhis eyes. American i1-men are the friendly Yank-type, there is no doubt aboutthat; bonny and blithe and good and gay, with a touch of naughtiness. Take alook also at Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton’s father; even their real name saysit all.

We're dealing, as much as possible, with science here, not "instincts" of any kind. No crystal ball gazing or messages from aliens either.
Seriously? People try to determine the Y-haplogroup from the face looks in this thread, although there isn't a single gene in the Y-chromosome that has something to do with it, and you call that 'dealing with science'? The crystal ball, you mentioned so depreciatively, is definitely no less scientific than this, and let's not even talk about astrology, which has even methods which everybody can follow. Where are the methods for this physiognosticohaplodeterminology? You know, science is measuring and defining with methods, which have the capability for falsification (aka proof whether true or false). If this is not the case, it's just playing around. Oh yes, we have this: 'He has such thick eyebrows, he must be haplogroup G!' - Really - is that your perception of science?

Let's face it, this thread is just funny entertainment, no reason to belittle someones opinions. (Well, I guess, I did just the same right now! Bad me! :D )
"Here" as on this Board...not, obviously, on this thread. Perhaps you should hold your fire until you can discern the difference between people having fun, and people who may actually be serious.
People are not getting anywhere close so far. To make it easier, this is not a random distribution, so there's a distinct pattern.
Well does mtDNA influence looks as well ?

To me Y-dna and mtdna dont influence looks because that thing is in autosomal however they can be used as an indication to "racial classification" when used correctly.

We can start by defining "pure types" for example the early European hunter gatherers were of haplogroup I and U5 or U2, the populations with the highest frequency of these haplogroups are the saami, baltics, and fennoscandians, unsurprisingly that correlates with western european hunter gatherer admixture (WHG). these populations are tall, have fair hair and eyes, strong jaw,high nose bridge, and deep set eyes, sometimes prominent ears. They are classified as Cromagnoid.

An individual from a population is a mix of "pure types" that participate in the gene pool of that population, the dynamics of European migrations throughout history has produced the perceived types of alpine, dinarid, nordid, mediterranean, atlantic, armenoid ... etc.

Again its Autosomal that defines one's looks, these are just used as a possible indication and they can be wrong.

What do you think of my elegant methodology ? or is it as the british say "a bunch of bollocks"

as for the pictures my guess would be :
R1b : 1,2,7,8,9,13,14,16
I1 : 3,4,12,15
E1b1b: 5
N1c : 6
R1a : 10,11
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People are not getting anywhere close so far. To make it easier, this is not a random distribution, so there's a distinct pattern.

Is it all odds are I1 and all evens are R1b? I see that I1 has probably more square faces while R1b more round?
Is it all odds are I1 and all evens are R1b? I see that I1 has probably more square faces while R1b more round?

Perhaps, now that you say so… Guy 4 & 8 look a bit alikeI’d say. And 2 & 6 also, in the sense that they’re both nerdy guys withfunny teeth. But then, 9 & 14 look abit alike as well, 14 could be 9’s father or brother.
Well does mtDNA influence looks as well ?
mtDNA is several thousand times smaller than yDNA. The question is not whether yDNA influences looks (XY females prove it does) but whether we can tell the Y haplogroups apart.

I find it hard to tell whether 9 has a narrow or wide skull due to his haircut. I'm giving people a little more time to chip in because it's not easy to find pictures so it would be hard to repeat this experiment.

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