First humans arrived in North America 10,000 years earlier than believed

Interesting, 24,000 ybp was just roughly the time Haplogroup Q started to appear. Since there was an icecap barrier for centuries, then that would give Paleo-Indians plenty of time to back migrate into Asia and eventually travel as far as Europe.
Interesting, 24,000 ybp was just roughly the time Haplogroup Q started to appear. Since there was an icecap barrier for centuries, then that would give Paleo-Indians plenty of time to back migrate into Asia and eventually travel as far as Europe.

15 ka matches better with TMRCA of Q1a2-M3 and Q1a2-Z780
IMO these 24 ka people were a dead end
And did Q1b move to middle East 9,000bc?

Göbekli Tepe Shamans and their Cosmic Symbols

Göbekli Tepe is an ancient and significant site which has been pushing back the beginnings of civilization further than we previously assumed. As each temple, pillar, and engraving at the Neolithic site is excavated, the story of human history is rewritten, and the symbols and messages of prehistoric cultures are revealed.
Some researchers like Andrew Collins also mention the possible shamanism in Göbekli Tepe with regard to astronomy and cosmology. He approaches the subject in terms of pole star belief which we know from shamanism. Pole star is the creation point of all the universe, according to shamans. Today in Asia, Turkish, Mongolian and Tungus shamans still believe that the sky-god Tengri Ülgen ascends the throne on the pole star, Polaris.
In my opinion, Göbekli Tepe was not only the ritual center of shamans, but also the initiation center of pupil shamans. When Pillar-2 is examined closely, we clearly see bended legs of the crane. On this basis, Schmidt explains that the body of this bird may represent the human being who transforms into the crane form. Afterwards, Schmidt suggests that this phenomenon is related to the shamanism concept.
Power animals are known as the protector souls of the shaman. In the eyes of shamans, all animals are the elements of shamanic practice. The soul protects the shaman from diseases and malignancies. The shaman who gains that soul no longer cures the illnesses and prophesizes. Power animals are an “alter ego” of the shaman. Shamans imitate his or her power animal and coalesce with them during the ritual. Shamans ascend to the sky – and vice versa on land - with power animals, as they are fellow travelers.
Siberian shamans have power animals like the bear, wolf, rabbit and owl; Yakut shamans have mostly bull, eagle and bear. The forenamed animals are quite similar to the animals found carved on Göbekli Tepe pillars.


Shamanic Observatory

So, can we imagine that the symbols of Göbekli Tepe might have once been the symbols of shamans that were relevant to astronomy or cosmology. Was Göbekli Tepe an ancient observatory for shamans?
Some scientists (B.G. Sidharth, Giuglio Magli and A. De Lorenzis) and researchers (Joe Plegge, Andrew Collins) specify that Göbekli Tepe was used as a celestial observatory. I am asserting that Enclosure B of Göbekli Tepe was a kind of “medicine wheel” through which one can observe the birth of substantial stars or constellations.
The Medicine Wheel in Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming.

[h=2]Symbolic Architecture[/h]
Göbekli Tepe pillars mainly have T-shaped forms. In New Mexico, one of the Hopi temples also has T-shaped windows, so-called Tau. As well, the Palenque Temple of the Mayans also has Tau-shaped windows. Besides, the Hopi earth-god named Masau'u has the shape of Tau. In Native American cultures, Tau symbolizes earth-bound spirits. As we can see, some of the petroglyphs of Native Americans drawn as Tau, emblematizes spiritual passageways. The “Tree of Life” represents as Tau in these cultures.

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