what does each k36 component mean?


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Ethnic group
Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Question in the title. I recall a list by Maciamo, though it did not have each particular component explained.

Me and my father score extremely Atypical Italian. I know this does not specifically represent Italians but I would like to know what cultures this component among others belonged in antiquity.
Im no expert, but I wouldn't give it much attention. I saw from the recent Afrikaaners thread that a South African European who's of likely Dutch/German descent got 18 percent Italian! And this category represents Tuscans and north Italians! Angela, who is exactly of those populations, gets only about 24 percent. Even I might score close to her given my Italian ancestry (if a Dutch can get 18 percent, its possible that I may get 20 or more percent bc I'm closer to Southern Europeans than any Dutch or north euros lol). But in reality, I'm a mixed American mutt who's never been to Italy and my Tuscan/north Italian ancestry amounts to zilch. If this calculator were any good, Angela would get at least your score if not higher.

Eurogenes calculators are garbage and about as reliable as a fortune telling palm reading carnie (complete with missing teeth, shaking hands, and questionable background)
The component names are not always to be taken literally; "Italian" and also "Iberian" are more likely to represent certain neolithic ancestry.
Im no expert, but I wouldn't give it much attention. I saw from the recent Afrikaaners thread that a South African European who's of likely Dutch/German descent got 18 percent Italian! And this category represents Tuscans and north Italians! Angela, who is exactly of those populations, gets only about 24 percent. Even I might score close to her given my Italian ancestry (if a Dutch can get 18 percent, its possible that I may get 20 or more percent bc I'm closer to Southern Europeans than any Dutch or north euros lol). But in reality, I'm a mixed American mutt who's never been to Italy and my Tuscan/north Italian ancestry amounts to zilch. If this calculator were any good, Angela would get at least your score if not higher.
Eurogenes calculators are garbage and about as reliable as a fortune telling palm reading carnie (complete with missing teeth, shaking hands, and questionable background)

I understand that on this forum biggest problem with K36 is that user Angela has too little Italian:) I saw this argument in many threads about it.

I can tell you, simply names were wrong. Call "Italian" for example Central Med and bear in mind it reflects some neolithic ancestry from this region and voila problem disapears.
Also for "Iberian" maybe better is Atlantic-Med, becasue it strechs from Portugal to North-West Europe, but concentrated of course in Iberia.
French is also misleading, maybe Western European could be better.

Generally using ethnic labeling for genetic components is wrong policy and it created too much mess, I agree. But if we change some ethnic designations this calculator is really good in finding very small diffferences even between close neighbour populations.

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