What on earth has happened to anthrogenica?

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Wow I never knew people would go crazy in a forum room and do a long messages like that, hopefully it's just all banter. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Wow I never knew people would go crazy in a forum room and do a long messages like that, hopefully it's just all banter. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

I know lol. I don't even care that much about the topic of the debate but I stay in it because Wanderlust is so *wacko.*
DNA forums attract so many assholes. Quite a few pleasant people do post at Anthrogencia like Jean Manco. Two types of assholes congregates in DNA forums. First, you have racists that would make Hitler proud (Tomebanle almost fits in this category). Then you have Ph.D., sociopathic, leftists who verbally attack you straight to hell if you use the word "race" or point out their biases, hate, and misconceptions.

Angela, doesn't fit in either category, I like her sometimes, dislike other times. Lebrok is usually legit and civil.
DNA forums attract so many assholes. Quite a few pleasant people do post at Anthrogencia like Jean Manco. Two types of assholes congregates in DNA forums. First, you have racists that would make Hitler proud (Tomebanle almost fits in this category). Then you have Ph.D., sociopathic, leftists who verbally attack you straight to hell if you use the word "race" or point out their biases, hate, and misconceptions.
Angela, doesn't fit in either category, I like her sometimes, dislike other times. Lebrok is usually legit and civil.
Anthrogenica isn't bad when moderation steps in to end ridiculous topics such as "am I white?" and I wouldn't compare it to "the apricity", stormfront etc where the real sickos dwell.

And according to Angela, the head admin of the apricity used to live in a concrete box
Wanderlust, **** you. Bring it on you barely human sociopathic *****. My life mission is to decimate the snobby, hate filled, marxists/leftists such as yourself. **** being an education major. You changed my mind.
Wanderlust, **** you. Bring it on you barely human sociopathic *****. My life mission is to decimate the snobby, hate filled, marxists/leftists such as yourself. **** being an education major. You changed my mind.
Like Jesus taught you?
Like Jesus taught you?

Lebrok, I'm understandably very angry right now. The continuing spread of the ideology Wanderlust promotes isn't good for society and needs to be stopped. I've complained about it since I was 5 years old but now I want to do something about it. It's a close relative to what I think is right. The flaws lay bare and obvious but too many people don't notice them, I want people to start noticing them. People are starting to notice it. That's why Donald Trump won! I'm not saying I support Donald Trump, I don't, I just really despise the people who hate him and his supporters (such as Wanderlust).
This is what ideologues do: hurl insults at one another. When this is what happens, rational discourse is at an end.

For the first time in my life I'm worried about America. This isn't the way it was when I grew up.

I read an opinion piece by Razib Khan the other week where he said that most of the people who speak to him, on condition of anonymity, believe that there will be civil unrest in America pitting left against right, and that people will have to pick a side even if they don't agree with it.

I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe he's right. In a world where someone thinks he's doing the right thing by driving a van into people taking a stroll on Halloween or ramming a school bus, I guess anything is possible.
I agree, Angela. Btw, I'm attacking the person Wanderlust not an ideaology. The dude's a jerk. In my last post, I was going to lay out how Wanderlust and leftists academics who obsess over intolerance like him also tend to be intolerant and continue this cycle of anger and hate in America.
This is what ideologues do: hurl insults at one another. When this is what happens, rational discourse is at an end.
For the first time in my life I'm worried about America. This isn't the way it was when I grew up.
I read an opinion piece by Razib Khan the other week where he said that most of the people who speak to him, on condition of anonymity, believe that there will be civil unrest in America pitting left against right, and that people will have to pick a side even if they don't agree with it.
I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe he's right. In a world where someone thinks he's doing the right thing by driving a van into people taking a stroll on Halloween or ramming a school bus, I guess anything is possible.
If things get worse I'm leaving. I'm not an honorable captain who sinks with the ship, I'm grabbin the first lifeboat I can get and getting the hell out.

Hmmmm..Argentina doesn't seem bad. I'll take Sardinia or anywhere that's rural (with internet of course ;)).
This is what ideologues do: hurl insults at one another. When this is what happens, rational discourse is at an end.

For the first time in my life I'm worried about America. This isn't the way it was when I grew up.

I read an opinion piece by Razib Khan the other week where he said that most of the people who speak to him, on condition of anonymity, believe that there will be civil unrest in America pitting left against right, and that people will have to pick a side even if they don't agree with it.

I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe he's right. In a world where someone thinks he's doing the right thing by driving a van into people taking a stroll on Halloween or ramming a school bus, I guess anything is possible.

Yes, today was another terribly bad day for "the human experiment," and that distresses me, but the last thing the world needs is for the relatively few idealists among us to lose hope and so I'd encourage you to not retreat into greater cynicism and despair. My mother tells me that the late 60s (massive street protests, a new president harboring intense distrust of the media, widespread worries about war overseas and economic hardships at home, heightened political/racial/social divisions) carried a similar amount of palpable turbulence and high anxiety felt deep in the gut but the sense of division did not feel as wide--to that I add that the late 60s also didn't have the internet (where hyper-partisanship can find a home and "militarize" and thrive in multiple corners) and international multimedia conglomerates stoking the flames on deeply partisan lines for several decades. Perhaps that lends to why today seems so much worse, in that the division that has long existed is now being thrust into high relief and exacerbated by more virulent, filthy stinking rich and powerful "ideologues." Internet Losers like Firehaired and myself are relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things, continue to ignore us, I implore you. :LOL:

Personally, I like to think that I'm less intractable than commonly perceived in that I'm willing to change positions if the information demands as much but at the same time, I don't know how better to address people who refuse to do the same! There are a lot of false balances, false equivalencies, false dichotomies, and overall falsehoods bandied about as "rational" and equally justified responses to actual, measurable truth (e.g., climate change). How does one argue and come to an agreement with people who deny science and what can be veritably measured in the world a la arguing that warmer temperatures just means "God is holding us a bit tighter." :petrified: I don't know, I honestly want the best for all of humanity, even those that disagree with me, but some (and I'm not saying I'm necessarily immune from this) are more comfortable cutting off their noses to spite their face.

Just remember that the history of the world is told in ebbs and flows and periods of great instability and relative peace and harmony. Until humanity somehow learns to get above our basest, most primitive instincts, this pattern will continue. But I do believe that it is a pattern, and therefore, the goings-on of today should not be seen as some "end of days" type foreshadowing. In times like this, I feel compelled to turn towards my creature comforts, and so I will be bingeing on my wife's company, Netflix and ice cream. Find comfort where you can.
Like Jesus taught you?

Precisely. But according to him, I'm the one consumed by psychopathic antipathy, right? :LOL:

This type of thinking is what galls me the most, and I can't use these words enough > intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy and mental rigidity. And it's just tragic that people who think like this will rarely if ever realize they possess these traits, traits that run almost antithetically to the pursuit of truth, which in the grand scheme of things, should be far more objective than some subjectively make it out to be.

No matter how many times I say in different ways, illustrate and demonstrate that I'm far from some liberal marxist, he seems to quite literally be incapable of taking that information in, properly processing it, and adjusting his approach and thoughts about me. He immediately resorts to his own extremely jaundiced internal logic, which by the way, can objectively and effectively have no substantive basis in reality. But alas, he will never fully grasp that. So what to do with people like this? What does one do with someone who readily admitted that he says obnoxious things he barely cares about just for the sake of tr*lling and eliciting a reaction? I may be tactless, harsh and unrelenting in my delivery but my thinking is anything but "rigidly constructed" to just one way of seeing/doing things. I'm the one arguing for peace, harmony, balance, stability, tolerance and overcoming our basest instincts, instincts I possess in spades, NO MATTER WHAT, and even outed myself just to prove how certain worldviews are worthy of rigorous pursuit, even if they go against our core instincts. But somehow, in his estimation, I am the danger to the world that must be stopped? The only thing that's remotely worrying about his intellectual ineptitude and inability to entertain multiple perspectives is that these people somehow find themselves waist deep in American politics. :rolleyes: Terrifyingly hilarious. :embarassed:
I agree, Angela. Btw, I'm attacking the person Wanderlust not an ideaology. The dude's a jerk. In my last post, I was going to lay out how Wanderlust and leftists academics who obsess over intolerance like him also tend to be intolerant and continue this cycle of anger and hate in America.

You ever hear of something called the paradox of tolerance? I'm going to go ahead and assume not.

Philosopher Karl Popper defined the paradox in 1945 in The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1.

Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

What’s always so amazingly disingenuous and insidious about the right’s railing against “PC Culture,” the horrors of supposed “intolerant” liberalism, etc… is that

1.) There is usually some glaring hypocrisy afoot. For example, some (usually the loudest amongst them) conservatives will whine and cry about the freedom of speech being stifled on college campuses and cry about the removal of racist, traitorous Confederate monuments built to intimidate black people AND WITH NO SENSE OF IRONY, still cry and moan about the unAmericaness of NFL players who take the knee in expressing their freedom of speech. HUH???

2.) Liberals are painted as intolerant because they resist traitorous Confederates (who lost and whose asses we kicked over 150 years ago) and Nazi sympathizers (who lost and whose asses we kicked in WW2) walking around with punk as* tiki torches, targeting elderly people in churches and college students, while yelling “Blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us!” SERIOUSLY??? The right seems to want intolerant liberals to let them espouse and carry out beliefs that are, innately, centered on bigotry and prejudice and that call for (directly and indirectly) the disenfranchisement and/or slaughter of innocents.

Somehow in some of their delusional brains, not letting Alt-Right loser and tittyboy Richard Spencer speak at a university is on the same level of egregiousness as being intolerant of people who think gays should be denied service because of their sexuality; who think transwomen should be forced to use the men’s restroom and even worse, shouldn't be allowed in the military; who think creationism and climate denial should be taught in schools because it’s just as valid any scientific analysis; who think government should be able to dictate what women do with their bodies (even though these same people supposedly hate big government). I could almost literally go on and on with the double standards and hypocrisy (more often than not, confined to the right) when it comes to the alleged intolerance of liberals.

The thing is, there is MOST definitely an argument to be made that liberalism can go too far in stifling debate and discussion about certain hot button issues. But the problem is that many of the right deal in false balances, where they think that their positions deserve to be voiced even when the underpinnings of their rationale are counterfactual and flat out lies. It is more than acceptable and reasonable to take two different truths, based on factual/properly contextualized data, and have a hard debate, and absolutely unacceptable to let absurdist, conspiratorial, batsh*t ideas be given the same platform alongside verified, actionable empirical data and cogent, reality based arguments. How some don’t get the inherent fallacies with these double standards, I’ll never know. For example, it’s fine to be open to debating travel restrictions from areas known to be terrorist/recruitment hotspots but when most of the countries on the ban list haven’t produced a terrorist that’s actually harmed us in decades, if at all, and suspiciously exempts countries that have (Saudi Arabia, first and foremost), then THAT’S A PROBLEM. But have Fox news tell it, that’s all perfectly rationale. Conservatives need to look to themselves when it comes to the stifling of truth and the embrace of paranoid, fear based, anti-rational hyperemotionality.
LeBrok said:
"PS. Last weekend I had a dinner with older couple who are organizing a small inclosed community on one of British Columbia islands, with aim to hid from this crazy and cruel world. Both with master degrees! Their only disappointment was that their kids chose to "enjoy" their family lives in big multicultural cities, like New York and London. Also they looked at me as I was the crazy one. ;) The crazy, optimistic, lost in the world, blind liberal."

That's a great idea that works both ways! They'll be in an enclosed space free from all that scares them and they won't slow us down.

They can do what they want and enforce Biblical Law where women who read are burned at the stake for being "witches", gay men or women are stoned to death, and technology is coined as magic and against the will of God.

They can also enforce additional extreme right wing policies such as illegalizing gay marriage, equal pay for men and women, being Muslim, having non-Northern European ancestry, disliking Trump and his team (most of which is headed for jail lol) and being tolerant of others.
This is what ideologues do: hurl insults at one another. When this is what happens, rational discourse is at an end.
For the first time in my life I'm worried about America. This isn't the way it was when I grew up.
I read an opinion piece by Razib Khan the other week where he said that most of the people who speak to him, on condition of anonymity, believe that there will be civil unrest in America pitting left against right, and that people will have to pick a side even if they don't agree with it.
I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe he's right. In a world where someone thinks he's doing the right thing by driving a van into people taking a stroll on Halloween or ramming a school bus, I guess anything is possible.

I was out yesterday, and saw all the happy kids trick or treating, with their families. Then when I heard about that story, it truly disgusted me…

Ever since my mother and sister got into a car accident by some guy texting and driving; it really made me hyper-aware of human pain and suffering. Thankfully they survived, but were hurt badly. It really had changed my thinking; for example, violent action movies and music seemed far less appealing to me. It boggles my mind how anyone would be able to harm innocent people intentionally. Which is why I have no remorse in justice being served to the people who would commit these horrible acts.
I've made a few friends from Poland during my summer vacations in Albania and I noticed that they paid attention to physical characteristics a lot. They continuously pointed out and asked me if I'm sure that the children playing on the beach or staying in our hotel and nearby residences were Albanian due to the very high amount of light eyes.

I had to reassure them that although some speak English, German, Italian, Greek, or Swedish, their parents are indeed Albanian. It was very strange for them.

As for Anthrogenica, I joined there recently to ask questions on genetics and I have to say that so far is the friendliest forum I've seen. Here there are many reputable posters but mostly inactive unfortunately.

Yea I feel Anthrogenica has its "apricity like" sections, but it does have well educated discussions. Apricity became too toxic. I post sparingly. Well majority of us Albanians are closer to Italians and Greeks in complexion etc. It shouldn't matter if someone is dark or light. Its evolution.
i never seen this "racist on italians" and I have been on the site for over 2 years.............there are a lot of Italians that post on the site, especially south italians
I think you have an agenda and dreamt the whole thing up

There are a few I have noticed, and they were Italian. One of which "Oroborous" or however it is spelled is one of them. The Portuguese guys who think theyre Nordics(Viriatio/Some other guy). Then you have characters Like Bosniensis and others who think all of Europe including ancient Rome and Greece was Slavic and some huge conspiracy exists. Keep in mind all these users post on the apricity. One(Dorkymon I believe) has spewed hate with others on Apricity. Yet most of them on Anthro act "civil" probably only because they would get banned. As far as Anthrogenica goes, whilst Italian users among others(even Albanians) are civil, you can find them with their same username of Apricity spreading the nonsense OP mentions.
This is what ideologues do: hurl insults at one another. When this is what happens, rational discourse is at an end.

For the first time in my life I'm worried about America. This isn't the way it was when I grew up.

I read an opinion piece by Razib Khan the other week where he said that most of the people who speak to him, on condition of anonymity, believe that there will be civil unrest in America pitting left against right, and that people will have to pick a side even if they don't agree with it.

I thought he was exaggerating, but maybe he's right. In a world where someone thinks he's doing the right thing by driving a van into people taking a stroll on Halloween or ramming a school bus, I guess anything is possible.

To be fair, what America is becoming is a symptomatic series of events that have been in the making for some time. I mean African Americans got their civil rights not too long ago, and many of the same supporters of segregation or even slavery, still draw breath, and even positions of status. The same ignorance is being passed down to their children. So, while things are definitely taking a turn for the worst, it has been on that steady track for some time already.
You ever hear of something called the paradox of tolerance? I'm going to go ahead and assume not.
Thanks for the assumption, but I have. And when fighting intolerance, it is also important not to allow oneself to get so one-sided, that we only look at things from our own angle, overlook the flaws in our own camps and demonize based on boxes you believe people to fit into.

In other words: Your "loser and tittyboy" post is way out of balance. And when this is one's state of mind, it might be good to first accept that everyone looks at life based on their own past experiences. Then and only then will it be possible for you to actually contribute by sharing what your views might be. Otherwise you will just come off as an extremist. And extremism is bad... from every angle.
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