Is modern liberalism killing Halloween?

In Australia , we had halloween last night and I have noticed that the Americanised version of it seems to be fading here year after year and a more Irish/gaelic/celtic form ( which is the original halloween ) is gaining in strength. Costumes are a mix of vampiric, gothic, forest elves, nature etc themes

Gaelic halloween represents the end of harvest and the beginning of winter in Europe. In Australia we are stuck between 2 versions.

try the old Greek Poseidon's month, or saint Nicolaos version,
but not the modern Saint Basileios its too christian.
It is the only 'season' that is tottaly unknown to me,
and generally in Greek world and East,

I think it is in wrong time,. tottaly wrong time,


I don't have time to read all the posts. I just want to say I hope you guys realize there are people who wear racist or in other ways offensive customes and also that usually a new fad in politics has little effect on how people actually live.

The No toy guns thing was kind of a big deal when I was little. I always thought it was ridiculous. Keep young teenagers away from bad peers, that's how you prevent your kids' from becoming a trouble child.
What I see as the real liberal folly is the fourth "rule". The rest - no guns, etc. - has been around for a while or just common sense.

But how exactly do you "define" that particular rule - no costume representing an ethnicity that isn't your own? And that's a theme [lots of liberal "racism" claims just breeds ignorance, dislike, and by extension more racism] in a lot of liberal BS about ethnicity, culture, etc. Particularly nowadays when people can be mixed.
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I don't mind ethnical costumes as long as they are not wore to ridicule and make fun of ethnicities. This should be the bottom line.
I don't mind ethnical costumes as long as they are not wore to ridicule and make fun of ethnicities. This should be the bottom line.

Clearly that would be unacceptable. That's what I meant by applying some common sense.

Oh well, so I guess little Luke Skywalker has to leave his light saber home and just take it trick or treating, unless of course the behavior police prohibit that too.

How about little Ghost Buster? :)


Modern Liberals are out of touch with the pulse of the Nation. They constantly choose to fight the wrong battles.
And by the way, I’m not even sure they are real Liberals. They Preach Tolerance, but somehow They’ve become Intolerants.
What happen to “Let’s Agree to Disagree”? They’re not Interested in Dialogue anymore.
Too Bad!
Clearly that would be unacceptable. That's what I meant by applying some common sense.
Oh well, so I guess little Luke Skywalker has to leave his light saber home and just take it trick or treating, unless of course the behavior police prohibit that too.
How about little Ghost Buster? :)

Angela, at this rate we're going to add more words to the "cuss word" pile...just wait for words such as "gun" "sword" and eventually "laser gun" and "
light saber " to be words that could result in after school detention or suspension (or worse and even more pathetic-jail time. For a six year old. Putting a six year old in cuffs is something only the most sociopathic freak can possibly do, but it happens and any cop who would arrest a small child is a pathetic piece of crap low life ).
Watch out! According to the DSMV, a child engaging in toy light saber related play is statistically 5x as likely to commit light saber related crimes (including murder) at a later age, beginning as early as late adolescence.
I swear, any teacher who would disallow a freaking (I seriously want to use the more vulgar version of freaking lol) light saber is more boring and bland than a glass of water and stiffer than a baseball bat.
It's good to be brown. :grin: People can actually lose their mind over an atom.
Yes, liberalism is actually killing the society.

There is no brown race :) so please don't invent one. White and Black is trouble enough, race is more than skin color.
Oh well, so I guess little Luke Skywalker has to leave his light saber home and just take it trick or treating, unless of course the behavior police prohibit that too.

How about little Ghost Buster? :)



As the sayings go you'd have to be either blind as a bat or thick as a brick to confuse a lightsaber or a ghostbuster's outfit for a legitimate weapon. Either stupid or paranoid people would make that mistake.

The thing is, is Rhan's list didn't say Ghostbusters or Star Wars did it? It said guns and other weapon-like devices. There have been "toy" guns, after all, brought into schools. Hence why I said a lot of the list is simple common sense.
As the sayings go you'd have to be either blind as a bat or thick as a brick to confuse a lightsaber or a ghostbuster's outfit for a legitimate weapon. Either stupid or paranoid people would make that mistake.

The thing is, is Rhan's list didn't say Ghostbusters or Star Wars did it? It said guns and other weapon-like devices. There have been "toy" guns, after all, brought into schools. Hence why I said a lot of the list is simple common sense.

Oh wait, you're referring to the super realistic ones like the old Atari gaming rifle?
Cryptic, confusing, and awe inspiring ... Yetos the Prophet of the Greeks.
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Killed the thread just as I was about to post some truly profound recollections of Halloween In the United States during the 1950's.
Killed the thread just as I was about to post some truly profound recollections of Halloween In the United States during the 1950's.

I'd very much like to hear your recollections.

Yetos, your post is totally incomprehensible. I'm going to remove it.

I assure you that light sabers are prohibited as "weapons" in certain school districts. As you said, they must be blind as bats and thick as bricks. The intellectual caliber of teachers today and the bunk they've been taught in college is the cause of the latter.
I'd very much like to hear your recollections.

Yetos, your post is totally incomprehensible. I'm going to remove it.

I assure you that light sabers are prohibited as "weapons" in certain school districts. As you said, they must be blind as bats and thick as bricks. The intellectual caliber of teachers today and the bunk they've been taught in college is the cause of the latter.

Even in the absence of toy weapons or the means to create something that can be swung around, a kid can always resort to using an imaginary one, can we prohibit imaginary play and force them to be robots?

And a violent kid doesn't need a toy lightsaber to whack someone with a hard object, there's plenty of hard covered textbooks and rulers available at his convenience.
I enjoyed many Halloweens during the 1950's in a racially mixed suburban community adjoining Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The night before Halloween was called Mischief Night which was a sort of Saturnalia during which acts of minor vandalism and harassment were permitted. I suspect Mischief night had evolved out of the "Trick" aspect of "Trick or Treat" where treats were formerly extorted under the threat of retribution. Stories circulated of broken glass, sewing needles, and razor blades inserted into Halloween treats; behavior generally attributed to grumpy elderly people. We firmly believed that an elderly witch-like woman in a neighboring community had heated pennies red-hot in a skillet and scattered them on the pavement for the children so that they would burn their fingers picking them up.
Girls were stuck as either princesses or witches, boys had a wider range of expression. Blacks were not as well costumed as whites, and tended to continue going out into their early teens, often with no more costume than an inexpensive cloth mask. Toy weapons were commonly carried, and younger kids, if they weren't traveling as a group, got robbed by older kids.
^^Well, not a very pleasant experience, imo.

I never had much "Halloween" experience when I was a child. My experience of it is mostly as a mother, and like me, most mothers in my experience go with their young children when they're trick or treating, at least until they're about ten or so. Yes, there were the middle schoolers or early high schoolers who put shaving cream on the street or bushes, and sometimes even on windows once it got dark. Later, it was silly string. My neighbors, like me, just saw it as, indeed, "mischief".

Obviously, anything dangerous, or actual destruction of property should be dealt with seriously, but imo there's way too much criminalization today of behavior by boys that in prior times was dealt with by a talk with the parents or at most a serious session with the local police officer. I personally just took a hose and rinsed away the shaving cream.

Is every child who takes an apple from a neighbor's tree to be arrested for theft? Are boys who get into a scuffle supposed to be arrested for physical assault? People are losing their common sense, imo.
^^ yeah could you imagine a cop car with strobe lights on in front of someone's home where a group of detectives are investigating a piece of silly string on one of its windows?

And assuming criminal records stay permanent, i think some cops need to imagine how much more difficult life would be if someone is having difficulty finding employment due to failing criminal background checks....all because of that little scuffle he had in Ms. Houtman's second grade classroom over a Pokémon card.
In SpaIN some years ago we had had celebrated "difuntos" a familiar respectful and serious hollyday in wich people visit their ancestors tombs. But few years ago Halloween has been implanted as more common. So I think it is the oposite. Neo-liberalism bet for Halloween
I have view this as something positive if Haloween develops imagination...
But don't forgetting the true meaning.

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