Tartessian Site-Ritual slaughter of 16 horses

@Half Alp,

All of Iberia was by no means Celtic speaking at the time of the arrival of the Carthaginians. The authors are correct.

For years they were stalled at the Tagus River.

This wasn't a farm. It was a ritual site, a large and impressive one at that, which must have serviced the whole community.

From what I've been able to find, it is commonly held that these people destroyed their own buildings. Strange.

It's commonly believed among archaeologists that these people destroyed their own settlements. Strange if true.

I'm late in this thread and have no clue; but concerning drestruction of settlements, do remember Cucuteni(Tripolye culture did regularly the same with their settlements, before to rebuild them in the same place, if what I red is true.
Many might think that the fact of having supposedly made a feast in the building was a joyful and happy celebration with hullabaloo, splurge e.t.c. Roman style, but it should not be like that. Maybe it was a very sad act, worse than a wake today.

Forced by the power to disappear from the face of the earth, they had to destroy, destroy everything they had achieved by working hard. A crime for too much prosperity that the Capital of the kingdom could not afford, since these towns to prosper already felt with wings to do business or establish relationships with other peoples without the supervision or consent of the kingdom, conspire and even challenge the State by that motive was condemned to disappear.

There is a horse with severed legs, very symbolic: a bad step has been taken in that place, the bathtub was possibly filled with the blood of the animals. Possibly the people of place could spread through other towns of the kingdom, serve as a lesson to others and perhaps the patriarch was executed.

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