New DNA Results Released from the Paracas Elongated Skulls

He says in the video that the skulls showed up with haplogroup U2 and H1 (so mtdna). If this was true, some much more reputable labs would have dealt with these skulls. He seems like a scam artist based on how he is holding back information
and trying to milk for views.
In Searh of Aliens - Giorgio Tsoukalos

Elongated Skulls of Paracas


View attachment 9718
DejaVu brought us so many incredible stories through years that he would easily find work in Fake News outlet.
In Searh of Aliens - Giorgio Tsoukalos

Elongated Skulls of Paracas

View attachment 9718
LOL Ancient Aliens lmao!! Come on, you know you watched it Salento! I'll admit, I saw some of it myself ;). Seriously though, gaaaasp...maybe these elongated skulls belong to the intergalactic intellectuals who mated with humans to give rise to the very first Indo Europeans :petrified::petrified:

In fact, R1a is the dominant y-haplogroup of these creatures! R1a is an extra terrestrial haplogroup! Quick! To the Bat..I mean...Eurogenes Mobile!
Who have done the testing? Why are results published only on crackpot UFO-sites and not in scientific journals?

This con artist seems to be unaware of mitochondria and y-chromosomes and only talks about "haplogroups". He clearly has no clue what he is talking about.

It would be interesting to do real tests on those skulls.
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LOL Ancient Aliens lmao!! Come on, you know you watched it Salento! I'll admit, I saw some of it myself ;). Seriously though, gaaaasp...maybe these elongated skulls belong to the intergalactic intellectuals who mated with humans to give rise to the very first Indo Europeans :petrified::petrified:

In fact, R1a is the dominant y-haplogroup of these creatures! R1a is an extra terrestrial haplogroup! Quick! To the Bat..I mean...Eurogenes Mobile!

“ Could it Be ? “ [emoji2]
Ancient Aliens episodes usually begin with real science and real Scientist, some guest I’ve seen: Michio Kaku, Neil De Grasse Tyson,... ; at some point during the show they switch.
Also if anyone can’t fall a sleep, should run it as background noise. Try it, works for some.
[emoji89][emoji89][emoji89] [emoji2]
Is there any summary of results published by a person who knows what he is talking about? My impression was that they had done Y-dna testing but now he is talking about haplogroup names that are mito haplogroups.
While I agree that Brien Foerster, the fellow who has been engaged in this research for several years, may indeed be straying into some questionable and rather sensationalist 'popular science', at the same time, this is not the fault of the Paracas mummies. They are still rather fascinating, and deserve further research.

So why is nobody else doing this research? This here is the biggest scandal, and not the 'space aliens' angle of it. Personally, I couldn't give a hoot about the 'space aliens'.

Let's not throw the baby away with the bath water.

AFAIK, the full info about the Paracas DNA is scheduled to be published soon in a book.

Some earlier info on this was published in August 2016 ("DNA Results for the Elongated Skulls of Paracas"). Since I can't post any www links yet, this story can be found by googling:

While I agree that Brien Foerster, the fellow who has been engaged in this research for several years, may indeed be straying into some questionable and rather sensationalist 'popular science', at the same time, this is not the fault of the Paracas mummies. They are still rather fascinating, and deserve further research.

So why is nobody else doing this research? This here is the biggest scandal, and not the 'space aliens' angle of it. Personally, I couldn't give a hoot about the 'space aliens'.

Let's not throw the baby away with the bath water.

AFAIK, the full info about the Paracas DNA is scheduled to be published soon in a book.

Some earlier info on this was published in August 2016 ("DNA Results for the Elongated Skulls of Paracas"). Since I can't post any www links yet, this story can be found by googling:


Since these skulls are so bizarre, there of course should be total dna analysis of them just to at least stop the conspiracies. Why haven't respectable
labs done this already and gotten it out of the way.

There could be hereditary disease alleles that are responsible for the skull shape that are easily identified now with full sequencing.

The link you posted says that they showed up as having male haplogroup T2b and maternal haplogroup H1 and H2a.

If this is true then could there be some fantastical migration of some Caucaus head binders all the way to south america?

I remember reading that at least 200 artifically elongated skulls have been found around Crimea and Carpathian basin.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so I doubt this is anything, but its a fun idea.
Intentional cranial deformation predates written history; it was practised commonly in a number of cultures that are widely separated geographically and chronologically, and still occurs today in a few places, including Vanuatu.
The earliest suggested examples were once thought to include the Proto-Neolithic Homo sapiens component (ninth millennium BC) from Shanidar Cave in Iraq,[1][2][3] and also among Neolithic peoples in Southwest Asia.[1][4]
The earliest written record of cranial deformation—by Hippocrates, of the Macrocephali or Long-heads, who were named for their practice of cranial modification—dates to 400 BC.[5]

Paracas skulls

In the Old World, Huns also are known to have practised similar cranial deformation.[6] as were the people known as the Alans.[7] In Late Antiquity (AD 300-600), the East Germanic tribes who were ruled by the Huns, the Gepids, Ostrogoths, Heruli, Rugii, and Burgundians adopted this custom.[citation needed] In western Germanic tribes, artificial skull deformations rarely have been found.
Since these skulls are so bizarre, there of course should be total dna analysis of them just to at least stop the conspiracies. Why haven't respectable labs done this already and gotten it out of the way.

Good question!

The link you posted says that they showed up as having male haplogroup T2b and maternal haplogroup H1 and H2a.

Apparently this is true.

If this is true then could there be some fantastical migration of some Caucaus head binders all the way to south america?

The wiki article talks about the cranial deformations in the Kushan Empire in Asia. But there's also evidence of this in China and Korea (as far back as 4000 bp). This is more likely to connect to the Pacific basin.

Besides, the migratory Alans are mentioned with such practices. These are close to the Sarmatians. These peoples migrated on Eurasian steppes from the Black Sea to northern China and back.
There is a possibility that the at least some of the strange Peruvian skulls are actually "natural" and not artificially deformed:
Historically, there have been a number of various theories regarding the motivations for these practices.
It has also been considered possible that the practice of cranial deformation originates from an attempt to emulate those groups of the population in which elongated head shape was a natural condition. For example, Rivero and Tschudi describe a mummy containing a foetus with an elongated skull, describing it thus:
...the same formation [i.e. absence of the signs of artificial pressure] of the head presents itself in children yet unborn; and of this truth we have had convincing proof in the sight of a foetus, enclosed in the womb of a mummy of a pregnant woman, which we found in a cave of Huichay, two leagues from Tarma, and which is, at this moment, in our collection. Professor D’Outrepont, of great Celebrity in the department of obstetrics, has assured us that the foetus is one of seven months’ age. It belongs, according to a very clearly defined formation of the cranium, to the tribe of the Huancas. We present the reader with a drawing of this conclusive and interesting proof in opposition to the advocates of mechanical action as the sole and exclusive cause of the phrenological form of the Peruvian race.

P.F. Bellamy makes a similar observation about the two elongated skulls of infants, which were discovered and brought to England by a "Captain Blankley" and handed over to the Museum of the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society in 1838. According to Bellamy, these skulls belonged to two infants, female and male, "one of which was not more than a few months old, and the other could not be much more than one year.” He writes,
It will be manifest from the general contour of these skulls that they are allied to those in the Museum of the College of Surgeons in London, denominated Titicacans. Those adult skulls are very generally considered to be distorted by the effects of pressure; but in opposition to this opinion Dr. Graves has stated, that “a careful examination of them has convinced him that their peculiar shape cannot be owing to artificial pressure;” and to corroborate this view, we may remark that the peculiarities are as great in the child as in the adult, and indeed more in the younger than in the elder of the two specimens now produced: and the position is considerably strengthened by the great relative length of the large bones of the cranium; by the direction of the plane of the occipital bone, which is not forced upwards, but occupies a place in the under part of the skull; by the further absence of marks of pressure, there being no elevation of the vertex nor projection of either side; and by the fact of there being no instrument nor mechanical contrivance suited to produce such an alteration of form (as these skulls present) found in connexion with them...
LOL Ancient Aliens lmao!! Come on, you know you watched it Salento! I'll admit, I saw some of it myself ;). Seriously though, gaaaasp...maybe these elongated skulls belong to the intergalactic intellectuals who mated with humans to give rise to the very first Indo Europeans :petrified::petrified:

In fact, R1a is the dominant y-haplogroup of these creatures! R1a is an extra terrestrial haplogroup! Quick! To the Bat..I mean...Eurogenes Mobile!

Submit, human. Lmao.

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