Wacky news 104 year old smart phone using grandma from Kosova

Johane Derite

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When the 104 year old grandma was asked how she is in such good health she answered "I worked my entire life, I honored every person like my brother and I ate cornbread and goats milk without stopping, as well as potatoes, onions and cabbage"

She is here seen with her 80 year old cousin skyping one of her 60 descendants (she had 5 children), the youngest of whom is 4 years old.

The grandma, who has lived through 4 wars said that times are much better now than before although she commented that she doesn't like todays wedding dresses as they aren't girly enough. "

Hope I look that good when I’m 80, let alone 104.

Better get started on the goats milk and cabbage asap my man :D
Better get started on the goats milk and cabbage asap my man :D

What impress me is not simply the fact that she use modern technologies, but that she is so strong physically and so lucid mentally.
What impress me is not simply the fact that she use modern technologies, but that she is so strong physically and so lucid mentally.

You say that now but granny is no fun at the dinner table if she’s gonna stare at that damn phone the whole time! Old people these days, I’ll tell ya...

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