The mayor who wants a 'sexy' police force in Lebanon

What ? do you want them to be ugly ? LOL

Everybody is happy ... such wisdom hahahaha

Seriously, this is just a publicity stunt. Those girls don't look as if they're actually doing anything besides standing around and looking decorative.It is also sexist.

They should at least make it equal. No men in shorts though, their legs are hairy and often bow legged, in short, ugly. I don't know how practical shirtless policemen would be, however. :)

Given the brutal heat for a lot of the year, Bermuda shorts, while ugly, would be a good idea. The British did it too.


These are Christian Lebanese?

The mayor is Christian I think, unless a Muslim is named Pierre.
there is a heatwave on in Belgium, and the trainconductors are not allowed to wear shorts
they found that discriminatory and out of protest they decided to wear skirts as in the female uniform

Like I said about men's legs, particularly if they're pale and hairy. :)

As I also said, put both men and women in Bermuda shorts. Nobody will look sexy. :)



Before any one asks, I wouldn't be caught dead in them or capris. Hideous.

Hold on! I take it all back. Some men can indeed look sexy in Bermuda shorts. :)

Well, maybe....they don't let you see his legs! I think that's very telling. At least they're tan, though.

Given the brutal heat for a lot of the year, Bermuda shorts, while ugly, would be a good idea. The British did it too.


These are Christian Lebanese?

Yes, maybe, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no "knee stockings"! That's the unsexiest vision ever. LOL! That kind of thing the British (and their descendants elsewhere) wore without any self-guilt became the stuff of much mockery at least in the tropical world. I mean, 2 months ago I went to a costume ball using one of the cheapest and most "classic" of all costumes here: the gringo costume, which of course includes a Bermuda short (not just that: that dreadful combination of Bermuda shorts with colorful, flowery formal shirts [who the hell told them that people in tropical countries wear that?]) and a long looooong sock up to my knees. Now I think that maybe I'll get accused of cultural appropriation these days... LOL So, bring in the shorts, but cut the socks in halves. :p
Yes, maybe, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no "knee stockings"! That kind of thing the British (and their descendants elsewhere) wore without any self-guilt became the stuff of much mockery at least in the tropical world. I mean, 2 months ago I went to a costume ball using one of the cheapest and most "classic" of all costumes here: the gringo costume, which of course includes a Bermuda short (not just that: that dreadful combination of Bermuda shorts with colorful, flowery formal shirts [who the hell told them that people in tropical countries wear that?]) and a long looooong sock up to my knees. So, bring in the shorts, but cut the socks in halves. :p

The British used to dress like that, in the first world war to indicate they were going to North Africa actually it would have been their typical attire.
Yes, maybe, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no "knee stockings"! That's the unsexiest vision ever. LOL! That kind of thing the British (and their descendants elsewhere) wore without any self-guilt became the stuff of much mockery at least in the tropical world. I mean, 2 months ago I went to a costume ball using one of the cheapest and most "classic" of all costumes here: the gringo costume, which of course includes a Bermuda short (not just that: that dreadful combination of Bermuda shorts with colorful, flowery formal shirts [who the hell told them that people in tropical countries wear that?]) and a long looooong sock up to my knees. Now I think that maybe I'll get accused of cultural appropriation these days... LOL So, bring in the shorts, but cut the socks in halves. :p

I agree. It's almost as bad as heavy socks with sandals. :)
Many Lebenese Muslims live an open life like their Christian counterparts . The same is true in North Africa and Egypt. There was European colonialism in those countries which left some impact. In Lebanon the influences of Christians on the society is particularly important.

The mayor is Christian I think, unless a Muslim is named Pierre.
Someone named lets say Pierre Khoury is going to be Maronites for sure. Christians have some distinct names like Khoury which is a priest , Gerges , Botrous ,

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