Wacky news they have dollars, we have Allah

I doubt that the population in general will be quite so sanguine as he is.

Let's not forget, too, that even with all the corruption that undoubtedly took place Erdogan didn't win by very much. An awful lot of innocent people are also paying the price.
it is much bigger the problem,

this September is very hot,
minister for commerce of USA is coming to Balkans,

Balkans suffer a lot due to embargo to Russian Fed,
and lot of corruption,
just look what happened yesterday at Romania,
the domino effects of Arab spring are coming to balkans,.

anyway, day by day I admire Erdogan,
for he represents the state independence and autonomy.
on contradictory to my govermement,
who becomed, the 'YES SIR' boys.

about 250 mill Euro per year lost my country due to embergo with Russia,
and after the late case of 'spies everywhere' is expected to lose the biggest absorver of agricultural products
and about 2 million tourists of quie good quality.
meaning another damage of about 300 mill of EΥΡΩ.
things are much complicated.
Erdogan won the election in Europe, not in Tyrkey.
He is very popular among Belgian and other European Turks. They have voting rights in Turkey.
He is funding all kinds of shady organisations in Europe that awakens nationalistic feelings amongst European Turks.
5 years ago Turks in Europe wanted to integrate. Not any more now, they feel Turk, not European, and they believe Turks are superior to Europeans.
look at the Turkish economic history
it's a continuous 'boom and bust' cycle, every bust is preceded by hyperinflation
last hyperinflation in Turkey was about 20 years ago
I remember very well, I was facing heavy competition from the Turks in my bussiness then
but they all went bust because hyperinflation punished their megalomania
it is inherent to the Turkish economy, not to Erdogan, 20 years ago he was not there
but it is caused by how the political leaders behave in Turkey, and how the voters react to them
So you can spend years away from turkey and still have voting rights there? That's retarded
look at the Turkish economic history
it's a continuous 'boom and bust' cycle, every bust is preceded by hyperinflation
last hyperinflation in Turkey was about 20 years ago
I remember very well, I was facing heavy competition from the Turks in my bussiness then
but they all went bust because hyperinflation punished their megalomania
it is inherent to the Turkish economy, not to Erdogan, 20 years ago he was not there
but it is caused by how the political leaders behave in Turkey, and how the voters react to them

I googled "turkey economic cycles" and found this
it's only from 2000 to 2013, but it shows big crises coincide with global/continental ones

I googled "turkey economic cycles" and found this
it's only from 2000 to 2013, but it shows big crises coincide with global/continental ones


20 years ago .. that was before 2000
Turkey recovered since.
But Erdogan made believe the Turks that recovery was his magic work.
It wasn't, on the contrary, he made Turkey crash again.
So you can spend years away from turkey and still have voting rights there? That's retarded

It is.
And all European Turks have double nationality, they can't give up Turkish nationality.
Turkish nationality means all young men have to service in the Turkish army for 3 years, it's compulsory.
It made many European Turks not wanting to be Turk.
But now all of this has changed, because of Erdogans propaganda machine.

P.S. : our friend Yetos above told in another thread Greece is spending so much for the military, while other European nations don't make the contributions they've promised to NATO
the reason for this is historical : Greece was afraid for renewal of Turkish nationalism and felt they should be able to defend themselves in case the Turkish would try to annex Greece again
It is.
And all European Turks have double nationality, they can't give up Turkish nationality.
Turkish nationality means all young men have to service in the Turkish army for 3 years, it's compulsory.
It made many European Turks not wanting to be Turk.
But now all of this has changed, because of Erdogans propaganda machine.

P.S. : our friend Yetos above told in another thread Greece is spending so much for the military, while other European nations don't make the contributions they've promised to NATO
the reason for this is historical : Greece was afraid for renewal of Turkish nationalism and felt they should be able to defend themselves in case the Turkish would try to annex Greece again

not any more,
lately Turkish democracy passed the 'bargain' for military obligations,
you can serve few months, and buy the rest,

Turkey has the 2nd biggest army in NATO,
and among 4-6 position in strongest depending on the year.

The Turkish economical miracle is a strange thing,
and more complicated than we can imagine,
their main problems are 2
the different standards among 'EU certificate' and Turkish massive production
the hiden capitals and the black money or earnings,
which can easily make Turkey a very strong economical country,
yet easy to turn her to collapse.
part of the late economical miracle of Turkey was made by Iranic founds,
USA knew that and asked for Data and banking control,
amd also keep the embargo against Iran,
but Turkey did not, so they punish her few years after,
the rest about priests and imams wich are prisoners, or special guests is just the screen.

NATO has overpassed the H Kiss... era.
and is moving to Z. Briezinski chess mate move,
Arab spring was an end of an era, not a new start.
the chess game today is in East Europe,
Poland and Romania,
in order to achieve that they will de-industrialize S Europe and Turkey, and moved it there,
a good example was the strategic entrance of Bulgaria to EU,
Bulgaria absorved more than 300 000 working places and almost most problematic industries in Greece,
and also took 5 strong factories, among them Coca-cola, Φ fertilizers, ΒΙΑΜΥΛ bigest glugoce factory in SE Europe
in order to make a strong sourounding border to black sea for EU.

Turkish economy is a strange system,
it works like octopus, each foot is independent from other,
and while some are working good and to the right directions
some others do strange works.
in the next 2-5 years Turkish banking system will be controled,
and that is the fear of Erdogan, which is one of the most rich men in the world,
otherwise Turkey is doomed,
Either he enter under banking control by NATO banking system.
to stabilize their currency and economy.
Either they will live with other system, for example the BRICS one, or collapse.

On the other hand
Turkey is and was a strategic of NATO,
borders with ex USSR, Balck sea rulling with USSR,
the most light and modern thinking Islamic country, (Kemalism)
and worked as a wall against Islam's foundamentals,
meaning Turkey of kemal worked as stabilizer among Western culture and Islamic fanatics (remember Ayatollahs, kantafi, Sandam etc)
something that today is not.
Erdogan won the election in Europe, not in Tyrkey.
He is very popular among Belgian and other European Turks. They have voting rights in Turkey.
He is funding all kinds of shady organisations in Europe that awakens nationalistic feelings amongst European Turks.
5 years ago Turks in Europe wanted to integrate. Not any more now, they feel Turk, not European, and they believe Turks are superior to Europeans.

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that they're treated like second class citizens in Europe. If I were of Turkish extraction and lived in Germany I'd be resentful too, and maybe turn to someone who told me I wasn't inferior.

You never put any of the blame for any of these problems on the European host nations. That's clearly totally unrealistic.
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that they're treated like second class citizens in Europe. If I were of Turkish extraction and lived in Germany I'd be resentful too, and maybe turn to someone who told me I wasn't inferior.

You never put any of the blame for any of these problems on the European host nations. That's clearly totally unrealistic.

please explain yourself
tell me about the incredible injustices the Turks have to suffer in Europe, and in Germany in particular
I'd be happy to learn
not any more,
lately Turkish democracy passed the 'bargain' for military obligations,
you can serve few months, and buy the rest,

and how is it in Greece today?
has it been abolished too?
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that they're treated like second class citizens in Europe. If I were of Turkish extraction and lived in Germany I'd be resentful too, and maybe turn to someone who told me I wasn't inferior.

You never put any of the blame for any of these problems on the European host nations. That's clearly totally unrealistic.

I really doupt about that,
Local societies turn to accept those who walk besides them,
and reject those who oppose the local feeling,

I live that here in my town, with the refugges from Syria and the immigrants,

Those who co-walk make progress and local societies accepts them
those who opose Local society rejects them,
and they make getto's where they inprison themshelves.

The main thing-problem in my town with refugges and immigrants (more than 2300 in appartments or open hot-spots)
is that they do not understand that beating a woman, even your wife or daughter is a serious crime here,
and especially public, at the local open market (baazar) we have plenty such actions,
and some even attack the police,
for they would have to pass the weekend at prison till Monday morning.
or frightening the people if they call police,
such behaviour is rejected, and drives the ones who used it to getto and be treated as animals.
but the ones who show respect to local laws (not religion, but laws) more easily accepted,

It is in the hand and the head of the immigrant to be accepted and treated as equal citizen,

few blocks away about more than 160 live,
they made a kind of getto,
nothing happened and all were quiet,
and many connection were done,
and although there was a kind of invisibile wall among locals
some even found temporary work etc etc

until came the 'heretic one' came,
who forced his wife and daughter, a 9 years old girl to wear a kind of burka.
that was like a bomb to local society and block,
and no matter police and international aid organisations ask him to walk public with no burka upon his females,
he insisted and started troubles, many troubles,
even kick them from appartments, due to him.

the immigration and acceptance is a complicated problem,
and if I immigrate and want to put my rules to the place I go,
then i am rejected, and is not the locals that reject me,
it is me the mistaken,

Eating in Greece is about 7-9 morning 2-5 midday, 8-10 night
if I want to stop the world moving, so I eat at 11 and 18, or force the other to eat at 11,
I am the mistaken who must be rejected.
this is one of the natural allies of Erdogan


it's a typical shady organisation
many Turks won't say they sympathyse with them, but have been caught attending meetings of this organisation

Grey wolfs are not only in Turkey,
but reach even china,
they also exists in kazakstan uzbekistan etc

The main think that we must realize is this,

Erdogan has a strong character and he is made of by the synthetics of hegemony, Ηγεμων,

the last 2 decades the main with such charcteristics was only Putin,
but the break of hegemony of Korean Kim,
as also the lack of such rulers in Islamic world,
made Erdogan the supreme defender of islam
a trully 'selected' by God (Allah) to rule upon earth.

the think that Erdogan missed is this,
Maybe EU has weak personalities, or puppets of bankers
Maybe Europe except Russia gets both economical and cultural destroyed,
very weak to resist even to slave merchants,
But Trump is not Obama.
Trump is Like Putin.

a non dialectal, an 'I don't even discuss about' character
which after years shows who is the leader of the pack (NATO)
If Trump manage with Kim, Erdogan is a piece of cake for him,
as concerns who is the strong personality.

It is like 2 roosters or donkeys fight in a barn, for who is the supreme or the master.

we realize that in Greece the last 2 months,
the anti-American feeling raised above 70%, in N Greece
and we even do not want Greek-Americans or arque with them.
the pact for Fyrom, as also the open accusations to every one oposed, as Russian spy,
turn the antimerican feeling very high in N Greece,
and we also realize how USA is going to rule the Trump era,

Trump is the whip master,
in all his speaches and posts and tweets etc ,
he is not bargaining with carrots, neither promises carrots.

he is going to bring order in the West,
like this, not with cooperation.


and his first enemy is not Erdogan,
but hidden black money, and 'strange bankers' like Sorros.


that is the game they play now
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this is what Erdogan said today :

On Sunday, he said the lira's free-fall was the result of a plot and did not reflect Turkey's economic fundamentals. "What is the reason for all this storm in a tea cup? There is no economic reason for this ... This is called carrying out an operation against Turkey," he said.


If you have any Turkish lira left, sell them tomorrow morning .. or simply use them as toilet paper.

It seems not only the Turkish lira is falling apart, also Erdogans dream is.

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