Classify me?

You look French to me, perhaps southern French.
Well your feedbacks both fit my actual ancestry (Northern French-Southern Italian) so I guess I'm kind of a mix between both, since if you draw a line between my mother's birthplace in France and my father's (or rather, grandparents') birthplace in Italy, you more or less end up in Northern Italy/Southern France, which is where my K36 LM ancestry report places me. I know it's not exact science, but still, in terms of 'phenotypes', it kinda fits… I think :)
Well your feedbacks both fit my actual ancestry (Northern French-Southern Italian) so I guess I'm kind of a mix between both, since if you draw a line between my mother's birthplace in France and my father's (or rather, grandparents') birthplace in Italy, you more or less end up in Northern Italy/Southern France, which is where my K36 LM ancestry report places me. I know it's not exact science, but still, in terms of 'phenotypes', it kinda fits… I think :)

Indeed it does. :)

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