What should i do ?


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I want to "emigrate" in another country and some people are encourage me to do so but i don't know who to contact. I am sick and can't work and i also have zero privacy. Some disturbing things happen that affects me and my parents.I was thinking to move in a big and safe country like Germany, France, UK, Italy or another... where the weather is similar or perhaps a little colder. My parents don't want to leave, but if i go first maybe i can convince them to come too. Finding some one to come with me is also dificult atleast as long as i am still here. I could go alone but i don't know how i could manage by myself until i bring my parents or i found someone...
Changes are not always bad. Even if you may think so now. You'll see in any case it's gonna be okay. One day
Since you're vietnamese wouldn't Singapore, Japan and South Korea easier targets?

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