Wacky news He received 6 million


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The leader of the secessionist historians received 6 million from the Government in two years

The leader of the independence historians is, in fact, the common link in a 'pool' of companies that, as a whole, has taken a large handful of millions of euros

The circumstance arises that the registered office of Tasca Serveis d'Animació is that of the Fundació Institut Nova Història. That is to say, the entity that gives shelter to the pseudo-historians (who are now called 'investigators') who disseminate the most incredible theories about the greatness of the Catalan nation: they maintain that history has been falsified by Castile, while claiming that Cristóbal Colón, Miguel de Cervantes, Miguel Servet, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Francisco Pizarro, Leonardo da Vinci or William Shakespeare, among others, were Catalans. Erasmus of Rotterdam was not satisfied with that: he was also, in fact, a son of Columbus. Del Colón born in the old town of Barcelona, of course.

His supremacist discourse of clear contempt for everything that sounds like Castilian became crystal clear in words spoken in 2015, on the occasion of the Joan Coromines Awards: "Now we know that at the end of the 15th century, Castilla was the poorest kingdom of Europe and that does not reach a population of two million inhabitants, even though in our school we repeat their lies of exaggeration to justify themselves as great and powerful (...) With a lot of work, two or three professors could be found in the university in Latin and many were expressed in Spanish barbarously. Do you know what university I'm talking about? Of that of Salamanca, at the end of the XV century ". And then it stirred: "Spain was an old Castilian aspiration - it still is - but in 1572 it was a complex reality with some ports in Seville and Cádiz full of officials and navigators of the Catalan Crown, established with their families, following the House of Hiring ". He goes so far as to say that many Andalusians do not pronounce the z well ("as in all of Latin America") because of the influence of the Catalans, who had "conquered and partially repopulated by Catalan-speaking Grenada, part of Almeria and part of Malaga".


To the assault of the Chambers of Commerce
A couple of weeks ago, Codinas was the man who presented, along with Elisenda Paluzie, president of the ANC, the candidacy for independence that wants to raid the Catalan Chambers of Commerce next month. But, for now, what they seem to dominate is the money tap, because the millions received last fall are only a small part of what they receive from the public treasury.

Albert Codina was linked to the radical Cercle Català de Negocis (CCN) and the platform Via Fora !, which promotes independence

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According to data from the Barcelona City Council (where more money has come in these years), only from the managements and the districts, the Airun company obtained, in 2017, a total of 33 contracts for an amount of 700,790.95 euros , while Tasca Serveis d'Animació won 20 contracts worth 650,563 euros, Jan BCS won six awards for 76,402 euros and Ideafix Team won another 12 contracts worth 120,563 euros. That is, 1.5 million euros of municipal funds.

But, according to the documentation to which this newspaper has had access, the awards were much higher: on March 29 of that year, Airun obtained more than 400,000 euros in a contract from the municipal team of Ada Colau

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