Happiness Women are happier without a spouse or children

To return to our topic, I think being happy depends a lot more on person's genetic make up than to circumstances like if she's married/single/with children/no children. We all find our ways that make us happy, unless of course someone has serious depression issues.

The only thing that I find really sad is that humanity will have less and less IQ because clever women are less reproductive. It is likely that men can inherit their IQ only from their mothers...

"some studies suggest that intelligence is inherited from the mother. These findings were initially found in studies on mice, but confirmed when extrapolated to human brains. This was carried out by a study conducting a survey on >12,000 people. Paternal genes tend to accumulate in the limbic system, which is concerned with aggression, hunger, e.t.c. basic instincts. No paternal gene is found in the cerebral cortex, which is concerned with advanced functions like learning, reading, e.t.c.

Intelligence genes are carried by the X chromosome, which are 2 with women. Even if it comes from the X chromosome of the father, it gets deactivated. "https://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/read/228963

"15 IQ points decreases women's odds of parenthood by 21–25%. Because women have a greater impact on the average intelligence of future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is predicted to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population in advanced industrial nations".https://reason.com/2014/07/31/smart-women-dont-have-babies/

Clever men often do not mind marrying a woman who is pretty though not so intelligent, but it means that his genes for intelligence may be lost if he has only boys as offsprings. Still if woman's IQ is average but her father is of high IQ, she may have deactivated IQ genes for an offspring with high IQ. So men should really scrutinise wife's family for IQ because his IQ genes may be passed only to girls and they will be deactivated until the next generation.
On the other hand, some men may feel somewhat intimidated if their woman is much smarter than himself, so smart women may not be seen as perfect marriage material by average men.

Besides, smart women themselves may tend to skip marriage and children if they cannot find a smart man for herself. I don't think that they always dislike the idea of children and family, only that smart women want a man who is even smarter than herself, someone to look up and to be worth of sacrificing or compromising her professional ambitions or whatever else she wanted to do in her life. Still, family is a structure which supports men's goals in live. A woman may also take some career, but her goals are somewhat secondary. In many cases this is how the woman feels, too, because fighting for contracts or doing big business requires a lot of male aggressiveness not so much IQ and it would not make women happy to adapt to male world too much, where roles in family were reversed with husband staying home to take care of children and her fighting for money/status, etc.

Technically the humanity would be better off under matriarchal system where clever women had many offsprings with whatever - either smart or handsome or men with strong instincts, instead of the opposite where the classical ideal is "clever man + pretty woman" (or man with status has a harem of beauties)
Female genes are more important in carrying intelligence while in case of other features like height - male genes behave more "aggressively" and some of female genes get deactivated (conditioned) so that children will get to inherit more of their father's features, especially girls, apart from IQ, as far as it is understood now.
Pity I don't remember where I read a study about it.
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I also don't think it makes sense to punish high IQ women by making it impossible for them to use their intellects. Don't misunderstand me: raising children is the hardest and most demanding job I've ever had. However, it didn't satisfy all of my "intellectual" needs. Plus, is society to lose all the advancements that women doctors and scientists, as just one example, have given the world?
I agree - forcing half of the population to sit around the stove would have a detrimental effect not only on science, but also on the economy and human development in general. However, Western societies have gone from encouraging women to aspire a career to shaming them for not doing so. A mother of three that invests all of her energy into keeping the household going and raising the kids is usually seen as inferior to a career driven woman; even if she chose to do so. And, in my opinion, that's the quintessence: Letting people chose, neither pressuring them into one nor the other direction. Equal opportunities should be provided (even through law, which is mostly the case in Western countries), however, trying to force an equal outcome by introducing quota systems (or similar) is the wrong way to go.

Perhaps the solution is to make it easier for women to do both, and men as well if they so choose.
Flex hours, no penalty in terms of promotion for working part time for a few years etc.
The problem is not really based on working part time but in the willingess to do overtime (and therefore the willingess to sacrifice part of your social life, your life beyond your job). High achieving men and women usually are workaholics.

The reality is that if a woman is working a dead end, repetitive job because the family needs the money, she more than likely would prefer to stay home and be a full time mother instead.
And what should men working in a repetitive, dead end job do in the same situation?

If a woman is a high achiever, she and her husband together probably make enough money to hire help.
... And that help would usually be just another not really well paid woman, right? :) Or maybe a day care center in which, again, mostly women are employed.

Is that ideal? Imho, no, I don't think so, not until they go to school. Ideally, one or the other parent should be with them until then. Once they're in school, that frees up a lot of time. Hiring some help for after school driving to activities, starting them on their homework until one of the parents gets home usually works. I did it, so I know. Of course, as attitudes in the workplace are now, one of you has to take the hit in terms of promotion by being home by 5 or 6. That was also me. That's what I mean by saying that the workplace rules and attitudes have to change. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle.
I think we're going in the right direction. Flex time is pretty widespread among private companies and the public sector now.

I'm rather concerned about the fact that we are entering an era in which a lot of human work is being made redundant by machines, while approx. 15% of a general population have an IQ of under 85, which should make us think how we're going to provide work for these people - as of right now, these are the ones working on the dead end, repetitive jobs.
I agree - forcing half of the population to sit around the stove would have a detrimental effect not only on science, but also on the economy and human development in general. However, Western societies have gone from encouraging women to aspire a career to shaming them for not doing so. A mother of three that invests all of her energy into keeping the household going and raising the kids is usually seen as inferior to a career driven woman; even if she chose to do so. And, in my opinion, that's the quintessence: Letting people chose, neither pressuring them into one nor the other direction. Equal opportunities should be provided (even through law, which is mostly the case in Western countries), however, trying to force an equal outcome by introducing quota systems (or similar) is the wrong way to go.

The problem is not really based on working part time but in the willingess to do overtime (and therefore the willingess to sacrifice part of your social life, your life beyond your job). High achieving men and women usually are workaholics.

And what should men working in a repetitive, dead end job do in the same situation?

... And that help would usually be just another not really well paid woman, right? :) Or maybe a day care center in which, again, mostly women are employed.

I think we're going in the right direction. Flex time is pretty widespread among private companies and the public sector now.

I'm rather concerned about the fact that we are entering an era in which a lot of human work is being made redundant by machines, while approx. 15% of a general population have an IQ of under 85, which should make us think how we're going to provide work for these people - as of right now, these are the ones working on the dead end, repetitive jobs.

I agree with virtually everything you said.

I would respond to this one statement, however:

Originally Posted by AngelaThe reality is that if a woman is working a dead end, repetitive job because the family needs the money, she more than likely would prefer to stay home and be a full time mother instead.

And what should men working in a repetitive, dead end job do in the same situation?

I wouldn't presume to tell them what to do. However, if you want my honest opinion, no study because I don't know of one, I think men would be more likely to want to work on that factory assembly line, if such a thing even exists anymore, than staying home, cleaning the house, organizing everything and everyone, doing the laundry, cooking, and mostly having to be "mommy" every waking moment of the day.

I've also seen the emotional wrench which most women go through after returning to work from maternity leave. Maybe some exist somewhere, but I've never seen a man have that reaction going back to work after a week or so. We're more controlled by our genetics, by our hormones, than many people will admit.

I was never a little girl who wanted to "play house" with baby dolls, and I wanted to be a nun until high school. Hormones won out, though, both with men and with babies. :) It's as if they're still attached to you by the birth cord. When they were first born I didn't want to let them out of my sight or my hands, had no desire for anyone to watch them for a "night out", nothing. For years after my two were born, the smell of a baby, holding one in my arms, would make me go all "broody". It's only stopped within the last couple of years when I'm holding a baby. I used to call it "baby fever". It was real. :)

Raising them? That gets more and more challenging. I told you: it's the hardest job I ever had, and there were days when working at Walmart for a few hours would have been a welcome relief. :)
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I find interesting and true all the opinions, from their perspective.

I also consider that all those who probably wish to have children or a spouse, are not necessary to be good parents or partners.
Well actually, maybe no one ever was... It is from those kind of few things that parents/partners someday will might say something like:
<<- Hey, I could done it better...>>. A lot of parents will confirm me and a lot more to the "future".

Anyway, It is not risky to say that from those who dont want, -and they dont have- in contrast to those who want - and they have- but are not able to, the
first is almost "painless" for the social impact. Mind the toxic behaviour inside the family... -crimes in silence, I would say.
I have no doubt, the issue is deep and we might have many and differents causes and all have a true share for that phaenomenα.

Of course that those of "denial" kind aspects of life are not unprecenteted. At 11th cent. at the E.Roman empire the ascetic "trend" of that time, led a lot of
the population to the monasteries and the institutionalize of a new of society inside the borders of the empire. Quite radical for the social consensus of that ages.

Well, I dont remember to know, where the first female monasteries appear, but surely they was and they are a good "remembrance" of similar turbulant;
times. I dont relate the past with today because are different causes behind, but a divergence up on the possible social norms is obvious.
It's not the first time.
Anyway, for me the undenial fact is that:
The pregnant women smells beautifull and the babies even better... Serotonine charger.
All that might be discussed...
<< ...It was about last night. Today is an other day...
-Darling..! >>

(We are talking about women...) :grin:
Of course the issue goes similar for both sexes. The modern people mature late, some never.
We have taboo's about the issues of " getting mature" and "death". Terms that cannot describe qualities of completence, but instead they decoded as loss.
How desperate and heartberaking is that Y.O.L.O sort of attitude, by the way.

Unfortunatelly for the women, they keep on search for the prince on the white horse for a long time, but at mid fourties they realise that a loyal servant would
be more... usefull. -lol
The true value of happiness is decided by a person herself. We cannot limit ourselves with simple and ordinary dreams.

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