Politics CIA under wide open cover in EU


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The US intelligence agency, the CIA, has used the American consulate in Frankfurt as a covert base to carry out digital spy operations, Wikileaks revealed.
The Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe, based in the German city, was the base for CIA hackers covering Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Wikileaks said. The information is based on documents from the agency's internal discussion forum. The leaked documents included a guide for CIA hackers on how to prepare for their trip to Germany.
“Be aware that your coworkers here are all under cover. While cover seems like an administrative thing back home, it is vital in the Field,” the guide said.
"The document said the hackers' cover story should be “Supporting technical consultations at the Consulate”.
It also contained practical tips, like knowing when German holidays are, that on Sunday most shops are closed, and that they should not leave any electronic equipment in the hotel room.
“Paranoid, yes, but better safe then sorry.”
The guide also recommended flying with Lufthansa instead of United: “Booze is free so enjoy (within reason)!” and personal pages, like a long list of smiles."

At the same time guide didn't say anything about using the diplomatic cover for CIA agents in EU. Diplomatic cover means that CIA agents work as US embassy officials with diplomatic rank all over the world. So if you ask should we be worried if we meet somewhere a Third Secretary from US embassy. The answer is NO. CIA always uses a "permanent" rank of Second Secretary for their operatives in EU and it doesn't really matter whether they are 25 or 50 YO.

I guess the following CIA "second secretary" agents list shows the point...

Voznyak Vitaly Oleksandrovich, DOB August 30, 1986
Sikorski John Rockne, April 01, 1971
Cronin David William, August 27, 1982
Nestor Michael Thomas, March 08, 1977
Van Dyken Daniel, August 06, 1980
English III Woodruff Jones, January 17, 1977
Stojanovich Nicholas, November 23, 1978
Sokolan Oleg, born about 1987
Irey David Patrick, about 1976
Bartmess Jason James, about 1980
Powers Kevin John, about 1982
Schmidt Nathan Rudolf, about 1980

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Greed looks bigger than ever nowadays,for example a lot of people from Vienna are having a very good time on Romanian oil;see the extremely suspect privatization of PETROM to a Soviet-Austrian company, OMV.

PETROM was a colossus, in one of the few industries that operated on the global standards,the oil sector,it had very big and complex operations worldwide at massive scale.

In other words,the stakes are definitely higher now.

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We're not going to get into a moral dither about the fact that every country spies on every other country, including so called "allies", (and that includes having moles in the "enemy" camp), are we?

Maybe James Angleton wasn't completely mad. We did find Aldrich Ames, after all, and as for Britain, their so called "intelligence services" were a virtual satellite office of the KGB.

The Russians couldn't feed their own people, couldn't build a damn thing that was worth owning, from apartment buildings, to cars, to nuclear reactors, but they were good spies and secret policemen.

Every country needs a good intelligence agency. The problem for the U.S. is that the CIA isn't all that good, and it's gotten worse with time. They're the ones who swore there were all those WMDs in Iraq, remember, when it was just swagger hoping to scare other countries from messing with him. That's why I always find it so amusing to see foreigners express such exaggerated views of their omnipotence of the CIA. Half the time it's more like "The Keystone Cops", but then I suppose incompetence is the usual state of affairs in all human endeavors.
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That's why I always find it so amusing to see foreigners express such exaggerated views of their omnipotence of the CIA.
"And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"
Remember the motto?
Iraq is a free country now. So as Poland, Romania and Lithuania that hosted CIA's secret prisons. Did I miss something?
I hope you know what you're talking about, because I sure don't.

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