Dacians, Costoboci and CTS9320

It appears to be so, but maybe too early to say for sure. We have no data about his region in Romania but he doesn't seem to have a call on the FT79653 chrY SNP 15940873(b38), meaning for now he is at FT79190 level.
As for the Pole we guess the sample is from Prešovský Kraj which is in the very south eastern part of Poland. There is another polish BY4518 but only yfull is displaying its sample, ftDNA doesn't have any polish sample in their BY4507. ftDNA's only polish sample is the one known now as E-BY202815

At this point I keep on waiting for my raw files (bam and fastq) all those purchasing their Dante Labs kit back in January and February keep on receiving their raw data, it really has to be close with my February purchased kit as well. And I heard will have STR positions too, DL is resequncing in italy all these WGS samples that were once sequenced by BGI in China for the included medical reports and for the VCF files (SNP, CNV, SV and Indel). Just that it will obviously take some time for yfull to have my y-bam analyzed and those details revealed once having my file submited.
But if neither the German nor the French FT79190 samples cluster with Gripshi and with Peuraća I might as well do not cluster with them as well... I speculate about that of course but I see the Albanian ftDNA sample (which I suppose is Gripshi) staying as S19928* So I suspect it doesn't share any of the E-FT79190 SNP's, and neither the E- FT79653 chrY 15940873(b38) position.
Also the 2 Bulgarian samples, the Turkish sample, the north Macedonian one and the US flag sample, all stay for the time being as S19928*, so naturally I guess they all belong to an older group which might eventually split at some later point once more samples will prove positive.

Interesting, so this person with Romanian flag is E-FT79190+, FT79653-. Guessing he is Romanian brings greater diversity of S19928 in Dacian areas, also there is this Pole under E-BY202815. If he is from Southeastern area he is more interesting. E-BY4507 is diverse in the area already.

Often regions can have distinct autosomal profile due to isolation etc. Have you tried maybe ordering dys390, dys385, dys439 just to check that you don't belong to this Albanian-Serbian cluster? In any case we have then two Romanian samples under FT79190 who are very distant to each other..

I see by STR's that French and German FT79190 do not cluster with Gripshi/Peuraca.
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It appears to be so,but maybe it is too early to say for sure. We have no data about his region in Romania but he doesn't seem to have a call on the FT79653 chrY SNP 15940873(b38) meaning for now he is FT79190+ only.
As for the Pole we guess the sample is from Prešovský Kraj which is in the very south eastern part of Poland. There is another polish BY4518 but only yfull is displaying its sample, ftDNA doesn't have any polish sample in their BY4507their only polish sample is the one now E-BY202815

At this point I keep on waiting for my raw files (bam and fastq) all those who purchased their Dante Labs kit back in January and February is receiving their raw data, it really has to be close. And I heard will have STR positions too, just that it will obviously take some time for yfull to have my y-bam analyzed and those details revealed.
But if neither the German nor the French FT79190 samples not cluster with Gripshi and with Peuraca I might as well do not cluster with them as well...

Some off-modals Albanian/Serbs share do not define the FT79190, that much is certain. Their age should be at least 500-1000 ybp.

Interesting about the Pole, they do have some extra V13 diversity in the Southeast, and its great to hear about STR's they are still useful for comparison and identifying some additional cousins who haven't done deeper tests. I've heard mixed opinions about Dante, some got their results early, but many are still waiting.

I speculate about that of course but I see the Albanian ftDNA sample (which I suppose is Gripshi) staying as S19928* So I suspect it doesn't share any of the E-FT79190 SNP's, and neither the E- FT79653 chrY 15940873(b38) position.
Also the 2 Bulgarian samples, the Turkish sample, the north Macedonian one and the US flag sample, all stay for the time being as S19928*, o I guess they all belong to an older group which might eventually split as some point once more samples will become positive.

FTDNA Haplotree includes people who have done BigY, SNP Pack or individual SNP tests. So Gripshi hasn't done BigY, two Bulgarians did SNP Packs as well. Most likely Macedonian as well. So most of these S19928* are without a BigY.
In any case we have then two Romanian samples under FT79190 who are very distant to each other..

Some off-modals Albanian/Serbs share do not define the FT79190, that much is certain. Their age should be at least 500-1000 ybp.

Interesting about the Pole, they do have some extra V13 diversity in the Southeast, and its great to hear about STR's they are still useful for comparison and identifying some additional cousins who haven't done deeper tests. I've heard mixed opinions about Dante, some got their results early, but many are still waiting.

FTDNA Haplotree includes people who have done BigY, SNP Pack or individual SNP tests. So Gripshi hasn't done BigY, two Bulgarians did SNP Packs as well. Most likely Macedonian as well. So most of these S19928* are without a BigY.

I have now the definitive answer, regarding the sample defining the FT79653. It is the german flag sample FT79190. Had the romanian been positive too would have been moved in a newly formed FT79653 sub branch under FT79190, thus leaving only the french flag sample as FT79190. Both the romanian and the french flag sample belong to an older node then - FT79190.

To be accurate there is only one new romanian sample :) , the one in ftDNA's haplotree. French flag sample is actually of a US person who traced back his oldest paternal ancestor to ~1650 in Alsace... he chose french flag, could have been perhaps german/prussian as well...yes, who knows to whom exactly Alsace belong back then either France or Germany/Prussia. Yet the sample belong to an American, who is doing those analysis for all S19928 samples he can find. So, by the very same logic/approach, taken into consideration my surname, my sample isn't the second romanian sample but else. Moreover I am FT79653+ same as Koch (the german FT79190 ) and same as the Sardinian PF#34, related to the romanian sample by far or as much as with the US/French one. Indeed there is no FT79653 branch in ftDNA haplotree as ftDNA doesn't have any knowledge about neither my sample nor the sardinian one, and perhaps it won't be an FT79753 for a very long time in their haplotree as neither Paolo Francalacci's study nor my sample will have any reasons to be there, not ftDNA customers .They just have Koch as FT79653+ but for them he is on the very same level with the romanian and the US/French, hence the haplotree as it is now.
So let's agree that my sample is of unknown Balkan origin, with a highly probable south west of Danube slavic provenance, shall we :) ? I'd put a virtual yugo flag near it :D as it would describe best the knowledge I have now .

You're right not all those samples have done a BigY test, some will most probably stay indefinitely as S19928* I wrongly assumed in their haplotree only BigY results will be seen, my bad ;)

There is another S19928 BigY700 sample whose results came available recently: ODay. But that is not something to be very relevant to the topic :) Keep you posted when my .bam results will come avialable.
Ossetian for whose SNP Pack I donated (because I thought he might be Z17107, too bad he isn't) turned out E-(CTS9320)/S26015*!! I was hoping he is some "stray" E-CTS9320* if he wasn't Z17107, and indeed that is the case: Z16988-, Z17107-, Z17264-, BY4526-, S19928-.
He boosts what I thought about CTS9320, involvement with Thraco-Cimmerians. I see Albanians have finally managed to find one E-FT193396 above CTS9320 after so many tested who clusters with Bulgarian. This cluster also exist in a Vlach from Greece.

But Ossetian E-CTS9320* does indicate what I thought CTS9320 should be involved with. He doesn't cluster with anyone, not tested only is E-Y84585 level, lacks their STR of dys456=18, and has GD of 11/37, 12/37, 13/37, so likely Y84585- and a new clade.:) I'm sure we'll know more in the future. In any case first CTS9320+ from Caucasus. There is another one from Georgia who is certain CTS9320+, I only know he is Z17107-.

So this result does bring into spotlight Thraco-Cimmerians, and cultures such as Basarabi etc. that I thought E-CTS9320 might be involved with, also possibly Srubnaya Noa-Coslogeni proto-Daco-Thracians (in the case of the late Thracian arrival where some Z93, but also possibly Z92 might fit).
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Regarding that map, indeed there is one Romanian there, plus 2 "unknown" Bulgarians. I thought Mladenov is one of them. The other S19928+ Bulgarian is Hristo from Tsakonitsa. So I guess those should be those 2 from the FTDNA Haplotree. I guess chances are at least one of these Bulgarians/Romanian is not related to Peuraca/Gripsi as I haven't seen their haplotypes in Bulgaria/Romania. I think Mladenov and Romanian are from Geno 2.0, maybe this Bulgarian from Tsakonitsa has some STR's.. Overall we see Balkan having some presence in Triballian area, and ofc by archaeology and linguistics they had some distant relation to Dacians.

Bulgarian S19928+ from Tsakonitsa has nothing to do with Gripshi/Peurača cluster. And he doesn't seem close to any other S19928. So he adds more to the diversity of CTS9320 in Triballian areas.
That's interesting, do you have any link to his SNPlist /STR's? I would really like to see his SNP's if he has the list of them.

A bit of an update regarding my Dante Labs WGSx30...about a month ago I finally got the links for my fastq's and bam file. I downloaded everything, including the tbi's and all small files and days later I produced a new bam from my fastq files. As Dante Labs official bam has been aligned to GRCh37, I made one aligned to GRCh38.p13 but I failed to use any Alt. contigs and any hs38d* decoys. I think I should try to build a new bam once I fully understand the pro's of using such additional filters. See the no calls number in bam's report =31648 .

So I am the "new" YF68576 in ytree's Z25461*, exactly as expected sharing this HG with ERS255996. Annoyingly though is that the SNP's downstream Z25461 were not detected yet by yfull's analysis, so we stay as Z25461* till they realize I share FT79653 with ERS255996.
Odd enough is that ERS255996 is missing from its SNP list FT79190 which is a SNP upstream FT79653, but is having both chrY18052753(B37) for FT79653 and chrY15861710(B37) which is the one for BY104590,the latter a SNP even further downstream FT79653, that's why he and the german sample from ftDNA tree go all to way to the very last known node for now: CTS9320>Z25461>FT79190>FT79653>BY104590 while I stay as FT79653* and the other 2 samples (french and romanian) from ftDNA tree will stay as FT79190* None of these 5 samples are Z25461* anymore is just yfull's lag in making the obvious connections.

So I am waiting for the STR's hopefully in the next days they'll come available.

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That's interesting, do you have any link to his SNPlist /STR's? I would really like to see his SNP's if he has the list of them.

Hi, he hasn't done BigY only SNP pack I believe, and his STR's are not publicly available. We can evaluate when you get STR's whether there is some relation to you. Hopefully YFull will have this sorted out regarding the FT79653 and BY104590.
I compared the German and French Y111's in search for some
FT79190 defining STR's but I wasn't able to find a reliable indicator for FT79190+ yet.

One of these Bulgarian CTS9320*'s has done a BigY which is great.


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