
Deep research

We'll see. I have obtained this map where my knot appears





If that map is real in the Mesolithic it was already in Europe.

Here the E-BY7503 downstream of mine takes a pole vault and is situated in medieval times above. What could have been my jump to the continental zone? It must have been before medieval times because I hardly get results from Greece, I get more results from the Balkans and from Rome, also Gauls and Iberia for granted. I am next to a Dutchman but seeing this map the Dutchman's hypothesis of coming from a soldier of the Spanish thirds perhaps a Phoenician who lived in Andalusia becomes unfeasible. It has to be another way.


The E of my haplogroup wheel are these:

E1b1b1a1b1 - Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
E1b1b1a1b1a - Iberian Cordoba Caliphate
E1b1b1b1a1 - Hispano-Roman Taifa of Valencia
E1b1b1a1b1a - Carthago-Maghrebi Andalusia
E1b1b1a - Early Medieval Iberia Granada
E1b1b1b1a1 - Medieval Taifa of Valencia
E-V13 - Late Medieval Cancelleria Basilica
E1b - Medieval Tyrolian

Mine is E1b1b1a1c

In imputed I have
E1b1a1 - Moor Cordoba Caliphat
E1b1b1a1b1a - Visigoth Mixed Slav Girona
E1b1b1b1a - Guanche Canary Islands
E1b - Medieval Tyrolian
E1b1b1b1a1 - Guanche Canary Islands
E1b1b1a - Early Medieval Iberia Granada
E1b1b1b1a1 - Medieval Taifa of Valencia
E1b1b1b1a1 - Guanche Cana
E1b1b1b1a1 - Hispano-Roman Taifa of Valencia
E1b1b1 - Kenya Kokurmatakore PIA
E1b - Hellenic Roman / Cretan


7. Proto Thracian/Illyrian Vucedol (2775 BC) ..... 10.09 - I3499 -
% match vs all users

9. Bell Beaker Haunstetten Germany (2385 BC) ..... 10.35 - UNTA58_68Sk1 -
% match vs all users

35. Celtiberian Mix Tribe Northern Spain (2300 BC) ..... 13.49 - I3238 -
% match vs all users

49. Boscombe Bowmen Amesbury (2300 BC) ..... 14.27 - I2416-BB -
% match vs all users

84. Niedertiefenbach Western Germany (3200 BC) ..... 15.96 - Niedertiefenbach1 - ?
% match vs all users

100. Niedertiefenbach Western Germany (3200 BC) ..... 16.7 - Niedertiefenbach20
% match vs all users

136. Niedertiefenbach Western Germany (3200 BC) ..... 18.61 - Niedertiefenbach27 - ?
% match vs all users

147. Niedertiefenbach Western Germany (3200 BC) ..... 19.0 - Niedertiefenbach37 - ?
% match vs all users

151. Bell Beaker Haunstetten Germany (2273 BC) ..... 19.28 - UNTA85_1343 -
% match vs all users

167. Niedertiefenbach Western Germany (3200 BC) ..... 20.61 - Niedertiefenbach33 - ?
% match vs all users

Early Bronze Age

14. High Status Male Haunstetten (2059 BC) ..... 11.38 - POST_44 -
% match vs all users

24. North Alpine Bronze Age (1677 BC) ..... 12.2 - AITI_98 -
% match vs all users

28. North Alpine Bronze Age (1794 BC) ..... 12.9 - AITI_43 -
% match vs all users

44. Illyrian / Dalmatian (1600 BC) ..... 14.01 - I4331 -
% match vs all users

47. Illyrian / Dalmatian (1600 BC) ..... 14.25 - I4332 -
% match vs all users

51. High Status Burial Mound Haunstetten (2112 BC) ..... 14.38 - POST_50 -
% match vs all users

52. North Alpine Middle Bronze Age (1563 BC) ..... 14.42 - OTTM_151ind2 -
% match vs all users

54. North Alpine Bronze Age (1797 BC) ..... 14.51 - AITI_66 -
% match vs all users

64. North Alpine Bronze Age (1752 BC) ..... 14.69 - AITI_120 -
% match vs all users

68. Bronze Age Northern Spain (1440 BC) ..... 14.78 - I2472 -
% match vs all users

As older results I have these but it is autosomal.
And the DNA of many of them is unknown. If the E-BY7503 that is downstream of mine made the jump to the continent in medieval times I am upstream I jumped before.

My god why didn't you make me smarter lol

Well, I have no idea, I hope they solve it now because there are clues to know now.

Well, if the super mega experts still don't know how I would know.
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Man, don't be like that. Angela is one of the fairest moderators there have been here. Focus a little and stop worrying about what others think of you. What interests me now is to find out the path of my haplogroup Ydna. Where, how, when and why.
charmdatereviewsoes or charmdatereviewsszk or charmdatereviewsqeq or charmdatereviewsthd or charmdatereviewsdoi or charmdatereviewsyts or charmdatereviewscze or charmdatereviewsvpt or charmdatereviewscfc or charmdatereviewsofj or charmdatereviewshan or charmdatereviewsxbw or charmdatereviewskjw or charmdatereviewswfq or charmdatereviewsgok or charmdatereviewsxyn or charmdatereviewsvkh or charmdatereviewsbap or charmdatereviewsiwc or charmdatereviewsolq or charmdatereviewsive or charmdatereviewsdlp or charmdatereviewsjgj or charmdatereviewswqh or charmdatereviewslhu or charmdatereviewssng or charmdatereviewsnfq or charmdatereviewscvu or charmdatereviewsdij or charmdatereviewskpp or charmdatereviewsmys or charmdatereviewswnh or charmdatereviewsmtc or charmdatereviewsdsl ... and so on........

Good appreciation, anyone want to add something else?
The E-V22 we want calculators we do not believe what you have always told us. So far we have arrived, the clamor is already heard on the networks.
I am Juan in the tree. From Juan I observe two paths to the left, right that somehow coincide or have coherence with the DNA and mtDNA maps. Where the DNA map stops over southern Greece, the graph continues until it reaches Juan.





This is my situation in Yfull with a Dutchman from the OV region.
My partner, I think he has always believed to be a descendant of a Spanish balance of thirds in Holland but I have an oral tradition by a father's family to descend from a deserter of Napoléon's troops, according to my French family, the troops that were in Montejaque Ronda were Franco-Polish, this is a difficult fact to date for different reasons.

The region of my Dutch companion in the year 1400 was under domination of Burgundy and curiously in these results I find that region like others in France.


This is my situation in Yfull with a Dutchman from the OV region.
My partner, I think he has always believed to be a descendant of a Spanish balance of thirds in Holland but I have an oral tradition by a father's family to descend from a deserter of Napoléon's troops, according to my French family, the troops that were in Montejaque Ronda were Franco-Polish, this is a difficult fact to date for different reasons.

The region of my Dutch companion in the year 1.400 was under domination of Burgundy and curiously in these results I find that region like others in France. and the Dutch OV region also appears on the line from southern Greece to reach Juan.


I understand that Iberia or even more Andalusia is doomed to the fact of Al-Andalus, Phoenicians e.t.c. but we must not forget the History of Spain in relation to the rest of European countries in the past as well as relatively modern times

I do not know what it can be but I see more of a continental track of the match with the Dutch than a Phoenician track in Andalusia, thirds e.t.c. however epic it may be.

As I am a multidisciplinary scientist I also include my MTA E



Mine is E1b1b1a1c*V22+

I do not know what to think because following the path of the graphic "Juan" and also discarding those that are not E1b1b1a1c could be:

Medieval Tyrolian
Sant Julià de Ramis
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We are seeing these days as nothing is as it seems. The Greeks of the Ampurias colony are not the Greeks that everyone expected, the Visigoths of Girona are not the Visigoths that everyone expected, the Etruscans are not the Etruscans that everyone expected and it is not that there are people with an agenda and people without an agenda is that we all have a bigger agenda than a piano.

Based on that nothing is what it seems and seeing my results from regions based on 700,000 modern examples from so many regions why my E-V22 could not be the E-V22 that nobody would expect in Andalusia that as you all know is my region of origin.

I have these results and the oral tradition of my family about the French legionary defector of Napoleon's troops as he passed through Spain from which he had to run as everyone knows. Then I have seen that there is a French region where they were not anti-republics if that legionary was hypothetically from that region and had ended up enrolled in Napoleon's troops could have some consistency his defection due to his ideals. Although it is not a bit as high as that and relatively recently it has not been so long since the invasion and I do not know to what extent the autosomal can play to raise some origins or others; although in my case I come from a population whose origin is in the repopulation of Andalusia and the autosomal has had enough games to play with and it is possible that some regions of origin of the repopulation had doubled by paternal and maternal means referring to my values higher in some regions.

It is a hypothesis based on the Etruscans that nobody expected, the Visigoths that nobody expected and the Greeks that nobody expected.
I think that companies should take samples with semen or blood, saliva is causing many problems and you never know what people have been able to put in their mouths, once this suggestion has been made we will continue with the disciplinary study based on anthropological results and philotechnicians of the haplogroup at hand.

These are some of my results. I will see first the oldest found in Europe and my correspondences with them.







Hello Carlos,
Thank you for contacting FTDNA! You do not need to order Z1919 or any other SNP tests since you have the Big Y-700.
You are positive for Z1919. You can check this by going to Big Y — Results, setting the Derived? setting to Show All and searching for Z1919. Since Z1919 is a No Call (?), which means that there were not enough reads for the test to automatically tell if you are positive or negative for that SNP without our haplotree manager reviewing the call, you can then click on the blue Z1919 link when it appears to see your test reads in the Big Y — Chromosome Browser, where you can see that you are positive for this SNP.

The company assures me that I am positive on Z1919 but that there were not enough readings. I am concerned that it is not in the download files and I may lose some character in MTA.
Likewise, I obtain this nucleotide polymorphism based on its chronification in a determined population.




I think I remember that in MTA I have two samples, one of elite as it could not be otherwise and the other of a 50 year old horse breeder, I do not know which sample belongs to which of the two. I will look for it another day, now I wish I was going for a bike ride, I miss riding a bike, which I do not understand because I have not done it for years.

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