Wacky news Escape from Rome: The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity

Particularly if they're in the praetorian guard. Also look out for your wives and your son(s) :).

Yes, indeed. :)

You have to admit, though, that the Ptolemies have to hold a record in that regard, at least as awful as the Ottomans, and the Ottomans didn't adopt brother/sister marriage to make it all the more horrible.:shocked:

If script writers just used their lives as plots, everyone would say it was sensationalistic nonsense.

Well, for the Julio-Claudians some pretty good blood curdling stuff has been written and made into film and tv. Have you ever read or seen "I, Claudius"? I think some of it was probably politically motivated mud-slinging gossip, but some of it was undoubtedly true.

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