Albanian words that are a PIE cognate with other IE language & the Indo European conn


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Albanian words that are a PIE cognate with other IE language & the Indo European conn

Hello hello there folks!
Ever since the last two months I've been interested in studying languages, particularly Proto Indo-European, which is a language shrouded in deep mystery.
I happened to come across some PIE cognates that share similar word structure to some words used in the albanian language, and how they connect to other info European languages.
Now keep in mind that I am no linguistic expert and the data in using derives from
PIE cognates are kinda scare and not many of them have been fully attested. Likewise,such words are hypothetical (which means that they may have been slightly different or so, so take it with a grain of salt)
Without much blabbering, let's begin
PIE cognate *melg- meaning "to run off" or "to milk an animal" in the Gheg dialect it's "mel" wheras in the Tosk one it's "mjel/ë"
PIE cognate *gembh- meaning "tooth". In Albanian it's translated to "dhëmb" (Tosk dialect) or "dhâm" or "dhamm" (Gheg dialect)
PIE cognate *ters- which apparently means "to dry" in English, in Albanian it translates to "têr=dry" "tere= to dry it" or "terët/tert" which again means dry. In the Tosk dialect it's represented in a slightly more different manner as "thatë/thatësireë" which means dry=dryness but distantly related to "thirst"
PIE cognate *deru-/*dreu- which means "steadfast" or "wood/tree/derivatives of said thing, in Albanian it means wood which translates to "dru" (Tosk) or "drû/drúé" in Gheg. , It could also form the word "drejt/drejtë" which means straight
PIE cognate *kap- meaning "to grasp" in albanian this hasn't shifted or changed much from the original cognate. It translates to "kap" in both the same dialect which means "to grasp" but also "to catch"
PIE cognate *leg- (this one is distantly related) which means "to gather/collect" in Albanian it translates to "mledh" (Gheg dialect) or "mbledhē" (Tosk one)
PIE cognate *leigh- meaning "to lick" is somewhat related to the Albanian word "lëpijë" (Tosk) or "lpéj/lpî" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *leig- which means "to tie" "to bind" in albanian it translates to "lidh" (in both dialects)
PIE cognate *leikw- which means "leave to, leave". In albanian this is distantly related and translates to "dil" telling someone to leave/go outside.
PIE cognate *legwh- which means "lightweight" "not very heavy". In albanian it translates to "lehtë" (Tosk) or "lêt" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *kaput- which apparently means "head" The Gheg Albanian translation is somewhat more related, "kaptinë/kaptên" In the tosk dialect it's less similar and translates to "kokë"
PIE cognate *kan- meaning "sing/to sing". In albanian, again in the Gheg dialect this seems more related "kâng"=song "kno" to sing. Wheras in the Tosk dialect it's "këngë"/"këndoj"
PIE cognate *kae-id- meaning which means "to strike" this one is more related to the tosk albanian word "godit".
PIE cognate *kakka- (sorry for this one) which means to poop/defecate in Albanian it translates to "kaka" in both dialects.
PIE cognate *re- "to reason" it translates to "arsye" see kinda similar (kind of)
PIE cognate *reg- "move in a straight line/straight" in albanian it translates to "drejt" in both dialects
PIE cognate *rei- which means "to run, flow" in Albanian it translates to "rrjedh=flow to flow" (Tosk dialect) or "rredh" in the Gheg dialect. The word run in the albanian language is "vrap/vrapoj" so the R and a are derivatives of the "ei" part of the aforementioned cognate
PIE cognate *tag- which has many meanings (see for more) but the most similar to Albanian is "to speak" or "thuaj" (Tosk) "thuj" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *teks- "to weave/make fabric" in albaian it's "thur/thurje" in both dialects. It also translates to "end" which is almost unrelated.
PIE cognate *ten- which means "to stretch" this one is an interesting one because it's more related to the Gheg word "shtrêj/shtrêjé" compared to the tosk one which is "shtri/shtrijë"
PIE cognate *tere- which has many meanings but the most similar one to Albanian is "overcome" which translates to "tejkaloj"
PIE cognate *terkw- which means "twist" here it translates to "tundë" (Tosk) or "tun" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *ye- which means "throw" in Albanian it's distantly related and translates to both "hedh" in both dialects.
PIE cognate *ost- meaning "bone" translates to "kockë (Tosk) or "koc" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *pau- meaning "fee, little" in albanian it translates to "Pak" in both dialects
PIE cognate *peig- which means to cut. In albanian it translates to "pres" (Tosk) "prej" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *ad- meaning "to or near" in Albanian it translates to "afer" in both dialects.
PIE cognate *ag- which means "to move forth, drive etc" in albanian drive translates to "ngas"
PIE cognate *agro- "field" it translates to "âr" (Gheg) or "arë" (Tosk)
PIE cognate *aik- which means to posses something it translates to "Kam" in both dialects
PIE cognate *aiw- meaning "life, vital" in albanian however this seems kinda distantly related and translates to "jetë" spelled yee teh
PIE cognate *sed- means "sit" or something similar. This one has only use in the Gheg dialect in some gjeh sub dialects and translates to "zetet" which means sit down.
PIE cognate *da- meaning "divide" again this one has more similarity in the Gheg dialect translating to "dà" where's the Tosk on its "ndajë"
PIE cognate *perk- which means "pig,pork" etc in albanian strengely the Gheg translation is "derk" wheras the Tosk one is "derr"
PIE cognate *gel- meaning "freeze" again it's more similar in the geg dialect "ngréj" compared to the tosk one which is "ngrijë"
PIE cognate *genu- meaning "knee" in Albanian translates to "gju/gjuri" (Tosk) and "gjumi" (Gheg)
PIE cognate *bhau- meaning "strike" or "beat" here it translates to rrah which is distantly related of course.
PIE cognate *bheidh- "to trust, persuade" which in albanian trust translates to "besoj" and "persuade" to "bind"
PIE cognate *nebh- meaning "cloud"very distant to the cognate it translates to "re/ré" in both dialects
PIE cognate *nek- which means "death" it translates to "vdekje" (Tosk) or "dêk/dêké" in Gheg
PIE cognate *magh- "to be able" translates to "mundem" (Tosk) and "munem" (Gheg)
That's it guys. It concludes everything I could find on the internet
This is a comparison of how come Albanian every day words originate from the PIE language. I couldn't find any more cognates but will add more once I I'll find any.

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