Health New Coronavirus in China

Pretty soon it's going to be difficult to ignore the fact that the virus broke out of the Wuhan Lab. Then we'll see what Joe Biden does now, given all the millions the Chinese Party gave his son. Indeed we'll see if his son's prosecution will go forward. Also, besides Deutsche Bank, how many tech giants paid bribes in China.


Despite claims from prominent scientists that SARS‐CoV‐2 indubitably emerged naturally, the etiology of this novel coronavirus remains a pressing and open question: Without knowing the true nature of a disease, it is impossible for clinicians to appropriately shape their care, for policy‐makers to correctly gauge the nature and extent of the threat, and for the public to appropriately modify their behavior. Unless the intermediate host necessary for completing a natural zoonotic jump is identified, the dual‐use gain‐of‐function research practice of viral serial passage should be considered a viable route by which the novel coronavirus arose. The practice of serial passage mimics a natural zoonotic jump, and offers explanations for SARS‐CoV‐2's distinctive spike‐protein region and its unexpectedly high affinity for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE2), as well as the notable polybasic furin cleavage site within it. Additional molecular clues raise further questions, all of which warrant full investigation into the novel coronavirus's origins and a re‐examination of the risks and rewards of dual‐use gain‐of‐function research.

Replying to @gnxp_posts

4 papers about COVID's lab origins have already been published in peer-reviewed journals, 2 more call for inquiry into the idea:

Oh, and yes, New York is ahead of Florida in vaccines distributed, but that may be partly because specifically contrary to anyone's rules, anyone working at hospitals in New York is being vaccinated, including people who are young and healthy and no where near the front lines. It's easy to dump it off at hospitals and just let them take it. Who cares about the people over 60. So much for medical ethics and our city and state administrations. Would it be so hard to send it to the hospitals but call all patients, ex-patients of all the doctors in the area who are over 65 to come to the hospitals for the vaccines?

Check out the New York Times article on it.

Japan has identified a new mutation of the virus. The scare mongers are already saying it's both more contagious and resistant to vaccines, but that's not in the original article.

Thank you

All they think about is having fun. These days in Madrid have been a scandal, the police have had to break up snowball battles. For young people the Covid has nothing to do with them.

Vaccine doses are being thrown away!

This is appalling!

Give it anyone that wants it! We are all humans that have the vulnerability to spread it.

I suspect this is an aspect of why the distribution has thus far been a disaster:
The deified CDC which made up the original ridiculous list of priorities has now said anyone over 65, or under but with an underlying condition should receive it. Also, they're re-looking at the deal they made with Walgreens and CVS who are letting the vaccine expire and refusing to at least send it to nursing homes because the CDC said they'd only get paid if they administered it themselves and they're moving at a snail's pace because there are only so many pharmacists.

Could the CDC have bungled this more??? Have they lived in their ivory towers for so long that they don't know how the real world works? Have they never waited at a pharmacy for the prescription to be filled? Did they think a few pharmacists at two pharmacy chain stores could vaccinate the whole country? The CDC should order them right now to send the vaccine they've received directly to care homes. Anything left over to all the doctors in the area. Have them call in all their elderly patients.

Or have hospital doctors go to supermarkets and vaccinate everyone working there.

For Pity's Sake how many mistakes can the CDC and the WHO make? What is so freaking hard.

The army should have been put in charge of the distribution from the beginning. They do this all over the world, but that would have had some people screaming.

Oh, and by the way, the CDC says it was following guidelines set by the infectious disease Board on which sits Dr. Fauci. Why doesn't someone ask him about all this. Also, could this be why Dr. Deborah Birx resigned? Did she object to this stupidity?

And speaking of the WHO, reports are coming out that thousands of lab specimens and tens of thousands of files in the Wuhan Center are being destroyed, and China has demanded the ability to handpick the WHO doctors to investigate. That's on top of all the papers coming out concluding it was a lab creation.

Is this a joke? Who would ever believe them again after they counseled against closing borders in January. Any factory worker would have said to close all the borders. An English paper has just come out saying England was seeded with the virus 1000 separate times between January and March.
@Jovialis. Wouldn't it be nice if someone in the NYC government had the guts to admit that this is happening and order the vaccine to be passed on before it expires?

What else could one expect from DiBlasio and his crew but incompetence driven by WOKE ideology; meanwhile, people die.
@Jovialis. Wouldn't it be nice if someone in the NYC government had the guts to admit that this is happening and order the vaccine to be passed on before it expires?

What else could one expect from DiBlasio and his crew but incompetence driven by WOKE ideology; meanwhile, people die.

In the meantime the morons at CNN, and NYTs are decrying the roll-out effort of FL, as being a "Free-for-all".

IDIOTS, what is better? Having the vaccine go to waste? At least people are getting vaccinated.

Honestly, if you have the opportunity to get the vaccine, and you don't get one; you deserve to suffer the consequences.
In the meantime the morons at CNN, and NYTs are decrying the roll-out effort of FL, as being a "Free-for-all".

IDIOTS, what is better? Having the vaccine go to waste? At least people are getting vaccinated.

Honestly, if you have the opportunity to get the vaccine, and you don't get one; you deserve to suffer the consequences.

What they can't or won't comprehend is that the Pfizer vaccine in particular has to be refrigerated. Once you take it out for distribution it has to be used or it's useless. You can't put it back in the refrigerator They also, of course, won't admit that people in the inner cities are refusing it.

Older Floridians won't refuse it. Rather than let it spoil it's better to have people waiting in line for hours.
@Jovialis. Wouldn't it be nice if someone in the NYC government had the guts to admit that this is happening and order the vaccine to be passed on before it expires?

What else could one expect from DiBlasio and his crew but incompetence driven by WOKE ideology; meanwhile, people die.

After reviewing the latest wiki dump(I cried seeing the abortion stuff-Ufo was really interesting though), my unsolicited advice-- in NY, get out while you still can.
After reviewing the latest wiki dump(I cried seeing the abortion stuff-Ufo was really interesting though), my unsolicited advice-- in NY, get out while you still can.

I just moved way out east on Long Island, over an hour from the city, to a much more rural area, but I wish I had moved out of state. I would have, but my husband just won't give up his damn business, even though he does a lot of it from home now and only goes in twice a week.

We always had a condo in Florida, but I just would not be able to bear the heat and humility from May to October, and I won't get on a plane for the foreseeable future, so two residences are sort of out of the question for a while.

I actually would very much like to live in far western Massachusetts in the mountains near Tanglewood if I had to choose one place, even if it meant being surrounded by the WOKE of the WOKE. I don't at all mind winter and snow, and the older I get the less I like my fellow man (or woman). I'd be like my uncle and father, who bought one hundred acres of rural land with streams and ponds and forest, and took fifty acres each on which to build a house. Even that wasn't enough seclusion. There was another family up on their hill whom we all liked very much; their ancestors were original Dutch settlers. The three households seriously discussed buying the remainder of the land up there, incorporating as an association and building a fence on the road at the bottom of the hill. Only people who knew the code would be able to enter. :)

The whole idea horrifies my convivial Southern Italian husband, of course, so compromise, compromise. :)

I'm hoping once he finally retires he might settle for about five acres in Saratoga County. It's not quite as "Polar" in its climate, and there "is" a city center, and a cultural life for me.
The vaccination may sound good, but if one does the numbers, it won't stop the pandemic.

What we know is that the vaccine prevents vaccinated people (up to 95%) developing serious COVID symptoms. It is very good, use it for vulnerable groups. Because otherwise, 80-90% of the general population will undergo COVid as asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, but the rest 20-10% may get very sick and for some 0.01 (or so) it may be fatal.

The Plifez did not test if the vaccinated people can still catch the virus and spread it to others as some asymptomatic people do (how come they did not test this crucial factor!!!???)
Therefore, if the vaccinated people can still spread COVID asymptomatically, precautions will stay and we will continue with quarantine and restrictions...

Besides, as much as I understand the corona virus is like flu virus, and where new vaccines have to be developed each season. If it is the case, we will never see the end of vaccination and pandemic... unless it somehow expires by itself
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The most worrying thing is that the so called "South African" version seems able to avoid "any" immune response.

How do you vaccinate against that?
Johnson and Johnson are coming out with a one shot vaccine in March.

Good thing, since there are reports of people getting serious disease after the first shot.

Dagne raised an interesting point, though; do any of them actually prevent infection or just lessen disease, i.e. make it asymptomatic. If that's the case you could still spread it on. Then, of course, there's the third variant, which antibodies don't seem to touch.

"Asymptomatically infected people typically produce virus at lower levels. Though there is not a perfect relationship, usually more virus equals more disease. Therefore, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit enough virus to cause severe disease. This in turn means that the people getting infected in this situation are going to transmit less virus to the next susceptible person. This has been neatly shown experimentally using a vaccine targeting a different virus in chickens; when only part of a flock was vaccinated, unvaccinated birds still showed milder disease and produced less virus.So, while sterilising immunity is often the ultimate goal of vaccine design, it is rarely achieved. Fortunately, this hasn’t stopped many different vaccines substantially reducing the number of cases of virus infections in the past. By reducing disease levels in individuals, this also reduces virus spread through populations, and this will hopefully bring the current pandemic under control."

The data from Israel would seem to contradict this. They have already vaccinated 21% of their population, and hope to have 60% by the middle of March. The rate of infection keeps going up even though the hospitalizations and deaths are going down quickly.

I realize it's a much smaller country, but I would hope the CDC, the Advisory Board and the Governors are getting their plans for distribution.
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What the heck is going on in The Netherlands and Belgium. They're like the California of Europe.

I pre-registered for the vaccine. For demographic questions, like race, and sex, I always put "Prefer not to say". I recommend that for everyone, don't let these imbecile bureaucrats make you a victim of their ignorant social-engineering policies. It shouldn't matter if you are a man, or a woman, or your race; all humans can get this disease.
What the heck is going on in The Netherlands and Belgium. They're like the California of Europe.


Today someone has send me this:

The Dutch variant found this morning is 50 times less contagious than the regular corona variant. It appears that the corona particles go into extensive consultation before they infect someone.

Covid Deaths by Country since October...


You would think there'd be a little more sense of urgency in terms of production and distribution of the vaccine, particularly in light of the fact that the UK has announced that the UK variant is not only more contagious, but more lethal.

I'm just waiting to hear that the third mutation is not affected by antibodies to go buy a house in the middle of the Adirondacks.

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