What will the world be like after coronavirus? Four possible futures

Maybe 50 points for the average student, I believe it will be more for the more intelligent student.

But we are getting far afield from our original thread topic.

I think we are on topic, I consider it very natural, let me explain myself.
(for the past... school days)
This -which i'll give a try to explain- happens very fast...
When you face, a "new", an upresenteted, -for your perception or relative knowledge about: a thing, an object, a sound,
or whatever we can imagine. The first think is to recall our memories, to identify and to classify among the allready recognized from our previous experiances of past "thing"; "objects" ,"sounds" etc. (The COV-19 is the new etc.)

(the play)
If I mention about play and kids. It was by purpose, and reason...
The essential -if there is any-, is not for my interest to childrens to enjoy their time. That is similar to say: "I will learn the fishes to swim"..,
The play is for learn to "play". How to cheat or how to be fair. What is the goal, and what is the media (tactic, effort) for the goal.

It is not good to cheat -your fellows; or partners; but it is good to cheat to the opponent team, or enemies of your family, or nation, etc etc.
The fact is some people, learn and feel justiffied for their choices, to achieve their goals with any media with every possible mean.
So far, so good. The problem comes when you realize, that you not cheat all the others, but youself also, and at that point no one will note you
that you are at a wrong way... and you are. -just TRAGIC!

-Why all that blah- blah?
<< Good morning .My Mom said to finish my breakfast and come down and play...
I suck my egg and coming... You catch the ball guys!!!>>

(the ball)

Now seems that all have their meaning...
(I mean the allegories as well . "The school days", "the first class", "the ball" "the kids", etc etc. and continue...)
The good; and the bad news of the day in random order.
*ΠΑΝΑΞ will always be with you.
*The China is leading the game now/here/today...

<<Sorry for the ball guys... Did I hurt someone?>>

He hehe...

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