y C in West Eurasia


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How much y C is found in Europe today?

I believe y C1a2 (La Brana,Vestonice, Sunghir) and C1b (Kosenteki-14) are native to West Eurasia. Do people still carry this? Also which of these would have been the male counterpart to the mt U east of the Urals? Or would it be something like C1a1 (which is found in Japan today)?

Also Kosenteki-14 was a basal C1b. Did he come from the south, or does southern C1b come from north Eurasia or neither?
Also we have West Eurasians in Sunghir and Kosenteki-14 and obviously something western in Yana, Malta and AG2/AG3. What was in between?
well Yes C1a is presented in Europe by few samples from Italy , Spain , UK and Ireland plus Russia . it reach all the way to North Africa ( Algeria )
please check ( C-V20 in Yfull)

as for C1b , it has been found in Iraq, Kuwait , Saudia Arabia , Bahrain , UAE , Oman ...and then it goes all the way to south Asia and down to Australia and Pacific

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