Common Y-DNA Haplogroups among balkanians and Scandinavians


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I dont know if the real formula but i have made some summarizing every percent of haplogroup that a certain country have with each other.

And regarding to this Kosovar Albanians for a lower amount are more Y-DNA Haplogroup to Greece than to Albanians of Albanians. Also Albanians of Kosovo in the third place have more in common to all haplogroups with Romanians.
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From what I've seen there is no chance. Kosova albanians have very little j2a and a lot of j2b l283, greeks are the opposite...

Can you show your figures?
as I have hears there are two prime haplogroups in europe, western and eastern european, tho dont know if this is true, in which case even if there are some genetic merging for sure that isnt very large i.e not dominant, or!?

we can compare this with the neanderthal string that is present in some sapiens, but that dont means that we all as humans were mixed with them ...

... dont get me as uniquely knowledgeable on this topic, must say I am very uninformed about genetics and anthropology, simply I've built aversion about these field because many are misusing the same as nationalistic counting of inconvenient neighbors

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