Ancient Y haplogroup databaseEl


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Elhaik is involved so take that into account:

Ancient Y-Chromosomal DNA is an invaluable tool for dating and discerning the origins of migration routes and demographic processes that occurred thousands of years ago. Driven by the adoption of high-throughput sequencing and capture enrichment methods in paleogenomics, the number of published ancient genomes has nearly quadrupled within the last three years (2018–2020). Whereas ancient mtDNA haplogroup repositories are available, no similar resource exists for ancient Y-Chromosomal haplogroups. Here, we present aYChr-DB—a comprehensive collection of 1797 ancient Eurasian human Y-Chromosome haplogroups ranging from 44 930 BC to 1945 AD. We include descriptors of age, location, genomic coverage and associated archaeological cultures. We also produced a visualization of ancient Y haplogroup distribution over time. The aYChr-DB database is a valuable resource for population genomic and paleogenomic studies.
Very relevant topic considering my latest internet feed is loaded with articles on the discovery of Neanderthal Y-DNA being similar to modern humans but of a type no longer found and thus considered by academia as replaced and unfit.

That said, could this simply be a case like with Africa or specifically so called basal Khoisan and Pygmy who though can carry the relatively rare A haplogroups, are actually autosomally diverse/fit? Speaking of genetic diversity, how do they determine for instance that a haplogroup like A00 is older than A2-T, BT or CT or does this simply involve molecular clock calibrations?

Getting back to the big discovery, if there was a so called switch in Neanderthals to a so called more fit anatomically modern Y DNA but also of a type claimed likewise replaced, how is it that Neanderthal ancestry is still detected among most if not all modern humans and after all these generations; and for comparison sake , what is the percentage of Khoisan or Scythian found in modern humans?

Why weren’t they able to determine who’s modern Y-DNA haplogroup was most similar to Neanderthal’s or is it that they simply don't want to reveal such a dismally conjectured haplogroup even if they knew? Speaking of which, wasn’t it until relatively recently and or until more Neanderthal DNA was found in Europeans than in Africans, that a lot of scientific papers were still claiming Neanderthal to be most similar to basal African haplogroups and because they felt Neanderthal more of ape-man out of Africa than say Cromagnons?

I would greatly appreciate any input regarding this quandary
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