Race is a social construct. Discrimination is based on ideology not race.

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The concept of race as I see it is a very New World concept. Especially in America, everything revolves around "white privilege". It's easy to understand it in an American context, because Americans only focus on Western history. I have also noticed that leftists are quick to highlight treatment towards "non-white" peoples, when treatment towards "white peoples" was equally as atrocious.

For example, take the war in Afghanistan. Leftists like to say America is bombing them because they don't care that brown people die. It's considered unacceptable by leftists because they're brown. But wait a minute. 30 years ago, wasn't America supporting these people? Calling them freedom fighters? Bin Laden was portrayed in a very positive light around the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite being "brown", he was seen as a good guy. Why? Because their IDEOLOGY at the time aligned with America's. It has absolutely nothing to do with their perceived "race". During that time period, I'm pretty sure Russians were seen with much greater suspicion than any Arab. Yet leftists ignore this, because it plays into their fallacy of "white" privilege. They go silent when asked why a "white" government (USA) supported a "brown" government (Talban) against another "white" government (Soviet Union). If leftist propaganda had any sense in it, the reverse should have been the case.

This is ideological privilege, not racial privilege. Whether "brown" people are accepted by Western powers depends on their ideology not their appearance. As we can see, race has little meaning in politics.

Another thing I'd like to bring up is the mentioning of "white colonizers". Leftists shut up when I bring up Ottoman Empire, or the Mongol invasion of Rus. "Whiteness" to them is tied only in the North America domain where Western Europeans have held history. As if Europeans are a monolith and that nations which haven't even done any colonizing should suffer for something some Western European did. Their vision is very tunneled and lacks a global perspective.

This is the problem with the "white race". It assumes all white people are a monolith, only to be able to further divide humanity into non-existent cultural groupings. It is divide and conquer.

Explain to me why Hitler teamed with Arabs against Jews and Slavs. He sided with them, despite them being more different "racially" compared to the other two groups. Explain to me where the white privilege was in WWII. It had absolutely nothing to do with race whatsoever. Just ideological interests. Having fair skin didn't stop these groups of people from suffering as much if not more than African slaves in America. Race is just one of the multiple excuses to oppress people. People have been treated just as bad for their ethnicity as they have for their race, so the reason why we don't focus more on nationality/ethnicity is baffling to me. Someone having white skin didn't deter Hitler in any way shape or form.

So it's obvious in the end that treatment based on race is 100% ideological. If your ideology isn't aligned with "whiteness", you aren't treated as white, regardless of what you look like. We assume that ethnic discrimination is far more acceptable than racial discrimination, because leftists have bred it into us that race is akin to ideology. It isn't.

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