Most Unique Roman Villa Find in Britain in 100 years


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It's not so much the mosaic floor and indication there was a bath house which interested me as the fact that after the disasters of the third century there was a resurgence of a sort in Roman Britain, with rural resurgence all the way up to the midlands. Also, fascinating that at a time when Christianity was "taking over", the owner ordered a mosaic floor showing the battle between Achilles and Hector.

Of course, in the next century it was swept away, with the newcomers probably stabling their horses there. Who knows what they made of the people on that floor. I don't think there were any monasteries near by so no one literate around to explain it, if even the monks would have known of the Iliad.

I'm in a melancholy mood as always at Christmas time; reading a lot about fallen civilizations and just hoping I'm not living in another "end times."


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